
I was on the Imdb main page and I saw the link for this film and totally thought it said Bonerville.

I thought it was so hilarious that I felt like sharing this.

There are people on IMDB that are a lot worse than trolls.


Heh-heh, boner, like what guys get, heh


mature. You basically suggested your erection from 3 middle aged women probably 30 years your senior. I hope you're happy with that

Though, there's supposedly quite a steamy relationship between one of them and a younger man, so maybe there's a chance!


HAHA!! touche

ps-thanks for posting that video. It's making me more amped to watch the movie later


I hate being "that guy" but it's hard to take anything you say seriously when you can't seem to put a sentence together that makes sense.

He's just a little shy because I've tried to kill him so many times.
