
is this movie propoganda?



Do you mean like Fahrenheit 911?

I don't know.


It shows the truth behind Islamofascism.


for sure it's propoganda, one sided, repeating itself, pushing for funds towards the Anti-terrorists.


Have only seen clips so far but have lived and worked all over the Mid-East. From what little I have seen this is the true scoop. Even those Moslems that do not agree with the Islamo-Fascists adhere to their faith with a fervor that makes Jerry Falwell look like the dim reflection of a candle in a far away mirror. These people are very serious. At one time the Islamic world was the most progressive on the face of the planet. However, it is people like those depicted in this film that have kept them mired in religious and social neolithism.



The entire concept of who is killing who, who lives/dies/propers... Just leave it at what you regard as being rationale and reasonable is alien to their group concept if not their individual. This is why I get such a kick out of pundits that have never spent any time with a Bedou tribe. Like the media/movie stars that run their mouths they have no idea what they are talking about. They say they do but only because they have heard various explanations that they force into concepts they can cope with which is pretty much what they Moslems do also. People are people for good or ill. The one thing that you have to bear in mind even if it is doubtful that you will understand it. This is a war we can win if we put our minds to it but no matter what happens they will not lose.



Personally I don't really care about the economic part. You have heard of people that have been there, done that. For the most part they are full of ka-ka. However, I've been enough places and done enough of that to have a fairly decent concept of what really is as opposed to what so many people wish it was. What the founding fathers gave us might not be perfect as anything created by man is not. Yet, what we have as a concept of man is vastly superior to any other I have encountered. So, no matter the economics we live and were created by the best system as yet devised by man despite its flaws. It is only a shame that we are losing it on our volition. But whereas my call is that you are a younger person I am a senile old fart so the problem will cease being mine sooner than later. Guess who gets to figure it out in the future.

As for the 80% of Moslems that are cheering the Islamo-Fascisti on, all to many secretly. You are possibly more close to the truth than you know. If you take the average Isreali (note I did not say Jew) and talked to him you would realize the individual and his ethnic group has been seriously wronged. Such people deserve redress. Turn about to the the average Palestinian and you are once again forced to the same conclusion. But both of them are reading their own histories and refuse to come to grips with the fact that much of what caused them to be in the situation is their own fault. This is another one of those human things, it always seems to be somebody else's fault. We are guilty of the same error of judgement. People are inherently lazy and uncomfortable with psychic dissonance so they try to take any given circumstance and try to define it in isolation. It is far to difficult and confusing to look for the pattern.

In general I tend to favor the Isrealis in the situation in the Middle East. Loosely translated, if I, personally, were forced into a shooting match over the issues involved I would be far more comfortable wearing the star of David as opposed to the crescent. At the same time I have been intimately involved with several Arab militaries. Luckily I will never be placed in such a situation.

But one thing remains that the western mind just cannot grasp, no matter what happens under their faith whether they win or lose they cannot lose. Basically their god concept can best be described to us as Calvinism on serious amphetimines. Ensch'allah is far more than the usual translation of 'God's will.' You see, to them, God is God and as such knows all that ever was, all that is and all that will ever be. Everything that occurs, NO MATTER WHAT!, is nothing more or less than his design and knowlege. If we can remain focussed, difficult in our political structure, we can defeat them but they cannot lose. Even if they are totally destroyed it was nothing more than what was in God's playbook. This is why Iran having the bomb is much more frightening than Korea. All we have to deal with from the Koreans is a dictator that might be a nut job but very focussed on what he wants. In contrat, the current Iranian regime will have no qualms whatsoever about using the bomb because if they do it is no more than God's will anyway.



Tried it when younger but gave it up as a useless endeavor.



Just a note here - The crecent was the sign of the city of Constantinopel. The Ottomans (read: Muslims) took the symbol as their own after the fall of the city, after which they renamed it to Istambul. So it's a sign conquered from the christians. Quite provoking.


It is not propoganda. It shows us Islamofacism and the fact that it wants to destroy the west, how it demonizes Israel, Americans, as well as THEIR PROPOGANDA against the West. It is an expose not propoganda


I lived in Amman, Jordan and traveled to other Arab nations while I was there I believe this is all true and not propaganda either. Below is a link where you can watch the movie on google as well as a short write up on what the film discusses. It's very powerful...

This is a powerful report on radical Islam and their Jihad, their "struggle with the US and Israel" and how it parallels the Nazi's anti-Semitic campaign during WWII. Even the Muslim reporter states that what the Islamic culture is doing, preaching and hoping to achieve is worse than the Nazi's anti-Jewish campaign. If you don't have time to watch all of it skip to the last 1/3 of the film. It gets better as it goes.

"Obsession: What The War on Terror Is Really About:"

Everyone needs to see this video. Please share with others.’s page for this movie:

Very powerful and interesting report - be warned some graphic topics regarding radical Islam's propaganda campaign.

This is movie/report is trying very hard to get everyone to think seriously about the stance that we should be taking on terrorism, that stance being that radical Islam is much more evil than most want to admit or get to see (thank you liberal media) and how Jihad is celebrated and heavily indoctrinated in almost all of their children from youth. It also shows their belief that any non-Muslim in a Muslim country is equivalent to a cow that is free to be butchered or to be sold as an animal and this glorifies Allah and His will. It goes into great detail about Jihad, "the struggling within" which is fulfilled through fighting the west, the Great Satan. And how Jihad is a great and wonderful thing that all Muslims should be part of.

The movie states that America's and the world's (and the UN's) political correctness is ignoring all or far too many of the obvious signs of how strong and wide spread radical Islam's campaign of hatred towards America and the Jews is. One professor states how 10 - 15% agree with radical Islam’s hatred toward America and Israel, but this is not counting all of those who are pro Hezbollah and pro-terrorist acts. 10 to 15% of Muslims is equal to over 300 million people and these people are not just limited to living in the Mid-East but are all over the UK and America. It also shows how the Arab and Islamic nations continually teach and show the anti-Semitic messages through videos of hate that are aired daily on their public TV stations and how these video campaigns are being preached and spread around the world to Muslims in the UK and America. It is a very well documented video with major figures from the Arab world, Muslim reporters as well as American professors and statesman being interviewed regarding radical Islam. With the caliber of interviewing and caliber of people being interviewed (names and titles listed below them) the video has the look and feel of a CNN cover story.

It basically points out that Islam has a very, very dark side, a side that preaches hate, which very few Muslims have the guts to stand up against and how they are indoctrinating all of their children from youth to hate America and the west just as the Nazi’s indoctrinated their children from youth to hate the Jews. They show several video clips of the propaganda songs, advertisements and videos that are shown and heard over and over on their public TV stations preaching that the US and Israel are Satan and t that this Satan wants to control and take over the world. They also show how similar yet more dangerous radical Islam is to the Nazi’s anti-Semitic campaign during WWII. It's about 1 hour and 18 minute’s total. Extremely eye opening in one since and much more thorough and different than what we normally hear from other journalism that has been put out on the dark side of Islam. This is more thorough, impacting and much better documented than anything on this topic other words, it’s not just a few comments being made by some Republican/conservative being interviewed by Hannity and Colmes, Paula Zahn, Anderson Cooper or whoever you watch that doesn’t really make the seriousness of the matter hit home

To sum it up, the video’s point is, America and the world need to stop trying to down play terrorism and radical Islam. It is time to wake up to the true danger and massive threat that it is posing to the world's stability before radical Islam succeeds in not only defeating Israel but then America and then every major religion in the world.



Hard to answer that. Propaganda is simply any material that advocates a point of view over a contrary point of view. Common Sense was propaganda, as were John Locke's Two Treatises on Government, as was 1984. Public safety messages to buckle your seat belt are propaganda. So were Mein Kampf and the Communist Manifesto. Ultimately, the morality and justification for propaganda depends on what position it advocates.

This movie is a political and social documentary that espouses and advocates the point of view of its creators. From that strictly literal perspective, yes, it is propaganda. But, then, at the same time, so are probably most social and political documentaries. (An Inconvenient Truth, anything Michael Moore or Robert Greenwald puts out, etc.)

The most significant thing about this movie, though, is that the most effective arguments it makes are with the video and television footage, a lot of it, where Arabs and Muslims, including children, are acting and talking very much like Nazis. It's hard to beat a critique when its most devastating component consists of simply quoting its subjects.

Anyway, see the film (it's free now, on Google video) and decide for yourself.


They also mirrored the KKK, if you look closely. People of other religions are, "monkeys or pigs" just needing to be slaughtered. Frightening. It's true and we have to face it NOW. Not sweep it under the rug like we have been for too long.


The film seems to have been pulled from the Internet by the producers. (You can still see the trailer.) So you'll have to pay for it or sit and wait for the dusty cobwebs to form before the bastion so fairness and balance (cough) PBS dares to shows it.





it can't be propaganga if it's self consciously editorial.



No, it is not propaganda. It's done in documentary style, but very powerful. I've seen Fahrenheit 911 and Fahrenhype 911 and those don't even compare. Those are so full of fluff and bias. This video is a clean cut look at the world today.



Those are so full of fluff and bias.

Show me how 'Obsession' is not biased.
