The stats on this movie...

....are hilarious.

780 users, 344 (44%) give it a 10. Almost twice as many as gave it a one.

That's a higher % than gave Pulp Fiction a 10: It only gets 43% and only 2% hated that enough to give it a 1 (compared with 22% in Wayne's movie).

Lets look at the sex demographic breakdown:

Females 45+ .... 72.7% give it a ten. But there's only 22 of them. Those are likely Wayne's mothers' friends. They're not that good with computers, so they're a little under represented.

Wayne's mom and her friends like the film even more than their demographic like the Shawshank Redemption, the highest rated on IMDB. Only 49.6% of 45+ females liked the Shawshank enough to give it a 10.

You have to applaud their loyalty, you have to go to Kenya to get voting stats that are anywhere near as funny.
