Still for sale ?

I tried looking it up on line with no success.

What a great movie. I would much rather be in that stinky VFW than an art gallery filled with those people, and Pollock would have too. LOL.
The movie made me cry a couple times, including that song about a canvas that was never touched by a brush.

Money is such an overwhelming obsession in this country, and it was refreshing to see someone who actually stand up for something. She is already rich, in so many ways.

Go Teri H !!!

"He's got hydrogen psychosis, the crazy-eye! "


She was going for money.

Here's the thing I got out of it. She didn't like the painting at all. She only got interested when she found out it was worth millions.

If she had bought a painting she loved but was being pressured to sell it for millions but chose not to, that's principle.

She didn't like the painting, she wanted to throw darts at it. She got interested when she heard it could be 50 million dollars.

I'm sorry, she's a remarkable woman, but selfish in many ways. 9 million dollars could have helped her sons and her grand-kids. But she holds out for more cash.

Everyone is interested in money. The art critics dictate what something is worth. She was interested in how much it was worth.

She didn't want to keep it, knowing it was a Pollock. She had to sell it.

Doesn't seem that impressive to me.


I agree that she probably wants more than 9 million dollars but I also think she wants the Art world to admit it's wrong as well. And even though she doesn't like Pollock's work personally, she also doesn't want the world to see her has a woman who sold a fake and got millions. That money doesn't belong to her kids or grandkids either, it technically belongs to the friend that she gave it to. 9 million could last her and her family for a very long time, however, that's were principle comes back into play...not greed. Even if she sold it for 50 million, she would never live long enough to spend 1/4 of it. Her son wanted to sell it at 2 million, that's more 'greed' to me.



I just saw the movie and I think its a real Pollock, just trying to see if it has been sold yet or an update on it.


It was sold! Also it was sold for more than $9 million. I believe she had to keep quiet about it. I did some research and found it out but I came across it a few years ago. The painting is without a doubt sold and I believe to the Saudi who offered the $9 million.
