MovieChat Forums > Disturbia (2007) Discussion > great time-capsule movie

great time-capsule movie

Not as in it's an all-time masterpiece to be shared with future generations, but just as in it captures a very specific point in time (for me at least). As someone who was right around the age Kale was in the movie when it came out, this thing hits with hard nostalgia that's only likely to grow stronger as time goes on. Everything from the early-gen Ipods to Xbox Live to Guster on the soundtrack to Shia freaking Labeouf. Good times.


i agree. i was in my early 20s when this came out so a bit older than the characters in the movie but still i felt like it was a good movie to capture the mid-2000s
even the mention of youtube at the was VERY new when this was being filmed so i wouldnt be surprised if that comment was tacked on in post production. the whole movie plays like a mid 2000s time capsule.


Absolutely. I was about to go into high school when this came out.
