Next Movie!

Yay!! Larry's next movie (after Screaming Forehead) is titled: Dark and Stormy Night. Another black and white! :) Official Site:

- Ben Friedland


I thought he was toying with an idea involving gigantic steam powered robots.

It doesn't matter though. This looks fun too.

Yadda yadda yadda <- this is my signature


Steam Wars ( is a project he's been working on for quite some time. Before Skeleton even. Not sure if/when he plans to actually film it - it seems to be something he's put on the back burner for now.


Once I caught the last half of Cadavra on Stars I had to order it.
Everyone I've shown it to loves it, and I'm excited to get the Trail DVD and see if it can get shown in Chicago (The Vic?).
It is AWESOME to see he's already got another one in the works.
Great director, great ensemble!
Keep pumping them out guys! Don't stop!
Much Love


I just spoke to him at the L.A. premiere of 'Forehead', and he confirmed that 'Dark and Stormy Night' is planned to be shot in both color and B&W, giving 'em the option of going with what looks best after its done. Can't wait!
