Film: 'First Sunday'

To those unofficial/official so-called film critics who chose to positively critique only films they favor (Yall need to calm down & laugh...laugh...laugh...even if its corny laugh... we seem to have forgotten how we laughed at the silliest cartoons when we were kids, well bring that kid back, grown men & women...laugh enjoy life....and yes, I'll repeat myself again in the body of the rest of this message)

Did yall not see the previews before going to the movie theatre to watch it (those who saw it)? You can tell by the trailer/preview that it was gonna be stupid...helloooo, comedy is suppose to be stupid, even stereotypical at times. It is called "COMEDY" guys, "COMEDY". Drama's supposed 2be drama, & this aint a drama, so stop being sooo serious yall...laugh a little...bcz God knows neither you nor whoever criticized this movie negatively are perfect. You are corny yourself (maybe not everytime) and you've spent your money badly on worse things than this film...laugh, enjoy life, enjoy silly movies like "First Sunday" for what it is, just COMEDY!! Like "American Pie", stereotypical, yet its a COMEDY that worked. Or have you forgotten about the stupid, stereotypical (whether the characters were white or not) cartoons we used to watch....some of us still watch 'em I'm sure. Yosamite Sam running around with a gun (which is implying he's a country bumpkin white male who runs around with guns...all country bumpkin white males don't do stuff like that). Another example is "Seinfeld" stupid sitcom (loaded with stereotypes of white, black, asian, all kinds of people) but its funny bcz it is comedy. The moment comedy starts to make serious sense it is no longer funny bcz it is now (at least for the moment) drama. Check your hypocritical comments at the door and laugh more people. Otherwise stay yo asses home and waste your hard earned dollars on bootleg dvd. Me on the other hand will spend my money (which I barely have) on tithes (Church) and actual dvd purchases (the legal way) because I want more than just a dvd, I wanna see what's on the cutting room floor (deleted scenes), I wanna hear the director's commentary (to find out what the heck they/he was thinking when they made this/that/those films, that way when I make mine I can come correct). Don't go see the "movie" or "play" if you're gonna come away with non-constructive criticism. If your child fell off the bike a couple times why would you yell negative comments or even beat the child for failing to meet your expectations? Think on that:)
God bless:-)


I've long learned that people in here for the most part do not care about seeing movies as they should be seen - unbiased of any other entities. I see that most go with heavy/high expectations of the director, the cast and/or yes, the plot/storyline. And for this reason I enjoy movies I enjoy without ever coming on the boards in here to post about them nor using the fake rating systems either. I mainly post to get another viewpoint of something in the film in a film if I feel that compelled otherwise it's become fruitless to argue anymore so why bother. I never used to post on any films in this site under my other user name.

I do agree with what you've said but I'm older and act like a teen to 20 year old when to comes to enjoying life. Or at least I try very hard to do so at a very mature stage in life.

A&E's new 'Parking Wars' show is the funniest show EVER!!


Awesome feedback LadyDi2U;-) People tend to forget about the "unwritten" disclaimer: "Dont be coming up in here thinking you gonna watch the best movie ever...because you entering at your own risk!" But nooo some of them will rather give out your vital/personal info to perfect strangers than going to the movies & simply enjoying themselves.. tisk,;-)



I actually enjoyed FS junez and can't wait for the DVD. I'm still wondering if there was ever going to be a soundtrack. In case you missed it, I almost left the movie where it was because it wad not filmed here. DT or whomever just took a camera and captured some footage to "blend" in the film. But my hometown rec'd love by actually being mentioned and soitgo.

A&E's new 'Parking Wars' show is the funniest show EVER!!


Hey LadyDi2U;-) How are you? What you mean, "it was not filmed here??" Where? And I'm sure there'll be a soundtrack...cant wait 2hear what they put together for it..
