Why did Alba look so different?

Why did the filmmakers decide to make Jessica Alba look so different in this movie? Did anyone else notice how she was more tan, blond and had bluer eyes? I thought she looked great in the first film, but she just looked weird in the second one, especially her eyes. It just looked fake, in my opinion.


Actually I thought she looked much more beautiful in this one. Don't get me wrong, she's beautiful period, but I just thought she was more beautiful in this one. Her bluer eyes drive me wild! ;)

Dragonzord! Mastodon! Pterodactyl! Triceratops! Saber Toothed Tiger! Tyrannosaurus!




I agree too. I'm not a big fan of her but she seems like a decent actress. I haven't seen all of her movies. Just a few. Anyway, from the movies I saw her in, I think she looks very very beautiful in the 2 FF movies

BTW, does anyone know why her nose bled whenever she used her powers in the films?
and why did they change the rating to PG?


Her look startled me at first, but as the film went on, I felt she was actually quite beautiful with those bluer eyes and blonde hair.


Yeah those extremely blue eyes didn't fit well with her at all. She looked a lot more natural in the first movie, with less bright blue eyes. Of course, she was still hot as ever though.


I think she tried wayyyy too hard to look caucasian in this movie. She is obviously a latina girl and we all know this. She isn't fooling anyone. But yes, I thought it came off fake as well. She looked 100% better in the first one.


Yeah, Yeah, she's smokin'..............now, if only someone could convince her to 'deflate' the air pressure just a bit in those things on her face she calls lips......



her lips are real you twat, and one of her most amazing features.


"her lips are real you twat, and one of her most amazing features."

Yup, "Merc"..........I'd say about 5 lbs. less (per lip) ought to just about do it !!!!!

BTW, you misspelled "twit".........



no, i meant 'twat'. it's an alternate word for *beep* pussy, vagina ect..


"no, i meant 'twat'. it's an alternate word for *beep* pussy, vagina ect.."

"Mercky" boy......................you are a treasure !!!



idk i just thought it was a funny word to use at the time. 'twit' makes a lot more sense though..



Now if that bastard so much as twitches, I'm gonna blow him right to Mars.



Now if that bastard so much as twitches, I'm gonna blow him right to Mars.



Why did Alba look so different?
Because it´s FUX. They screw continuity for breakfast.

Will you join the resistance?


Yeah that's what happens when they cast a French/Mexican actress as a blue eyed blonde. Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb. But yeah her eyes were bluer in the second movie. She was almost bearable in the first movie, but way too ridiculous in the second one.


I just really need to point out...any of you heterosexual males that have referred to Jessica Alba's looks in either of these movies -- or any of her other movies for that matter -- as anything along the lines of: ridiculous, weird, "almost" bearable, etc...have to step back for a minute, because I don't think for a second that these "flaws" would make you hesitate at all to fall all over yourselves or worse for even a shot at getting with her (even for just a shot of having her possibly THINK about touching or kissing you). And msdemos, I'm sure you wouldn't have a thought of complaining about her lips if they ever were in the position to be used on you in any way whatsoever.

Now I'm not trying to say that this fact precludes you from the right to having an opinion regarding the appropriateness of her style for the movie...and I'm not trying to pull the "yer gay! LOLZ!" card on anyone...I was merely pointing out that asexual and homosexual males as well as heterosexual and asexual females were exempt from my above argument...but I digress...

In any event: you KNOW you still want her. That's my point.

Oh...and ps:
While it may seem to be a bit absurd to some of you for her to so drastically try to hide her natural physical ethnicity, that is simply the consequence of playing the part of a comic book character that people have seen relatively consistently visually depicted in the same way for longer than many of the people that post on these boards have been alive. That's the breaks.


lol nice post saint jude, i like how everybody got quiet after it :D



Because the people who made this film don't have much integrity.

All they needed to do was have a still from the first film, and say "make her look like this." Instead, we got this incredibly bleached (both skin and hair), freakishly blue-eyed character that looked almost nothing like she did in the first film.

Her blue eyes in the first film were barely convincing, but compared to what they had her wear in the second one? Man...

"You've shown your quality sir. The very highest."


She did look AMAZING with those blue eyes in this movie.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


I can't get over how different she looked. Spent most of the first half wondering if it was a different actress. Really weird.


In first one she dyed her hair blonde in this one its a wig.

"My name is Lt. Aldo Raine"


Yes, because she refused to have her hair dyed this time.
