OK you saw Lola's car right. OK well this is what i got from the ending pissed at it while i was in the shower sulking over the ending. Then it hit just as the scene where it shows spots actual steps on avoiding everyone to get to the pet store. OK lets do the ending. OK you saw Lola's car right. It park's the knock at the door and you don't hear the car pull off. then he says you didn't walk all this way. then it flashes fin. which it is not finished so that's why it types fin. you have to go back to what he told her she brought the dog to him because she regretted not having both so she was making it right. THAT IS MY THEORY. perfect ending.



What were you smoking in the shower??
Baby, I don't care!



I think I missed something. He gives her the dog so that she'll have something to love... But didn't she already have a dog? Didn't her dog attack his dog? Wasn't she at the dog park for that reason? Isn't that how they met? I liked the performances and overall enjoyed the film, but that was one huge glaring plot hole. Then again, I may have stepped out of the room when they explained it.


She was walking a friend's dog that day, she didn't own one herself.

-Do you want to run this ship?
-Yes! can't.
