The end

DVDs are stupid, and mine kept skipping. It wouldn't work for anything. I got to the part where the dog slipped out the door, he was in the elevator, and then it wouldn't work anymore. What happened after that?


A Lot..


But if you want the short version the dog wandered his way back to the pet shop and Brad (the pet shop employee) calls Solo. Solo picks him up, realizes he loves him but that he needs to get his life in order blah blah blah.. he gives the dog to Lola they have a touching exchange of words but no romance or kiss or anything. He moves to Needles, NM where his friend has just opened up a *beep* hotel. He's working at his laptop one day (presumeably writing again) when theres a knock at the door. He opens the door and the dog (whom he had named spot) is sitting there. Solo says "you didn't walk here, did you?" And the movie ends.


DVDs are stupid? There's no answer to that, really. Some forms of stupidity are impossible to address.

If yours didn't work properly did you consider getting it replaced? That dog was a whole lot smarter than you ...


Get the dvd replaced? Why the hell would I do that? It's just a movie that I missed the last few minutes of.


If it's so unimportant why make a fuss about it here?


Since when is simply asking what happened classified as making a fuss?


You asked, you got a reply. Get over it.


You get over it, idiot. And btw, some of your incoherent responses are as dull and stupid just as you are.


Aha! We're talking about stupidity, and here comes Mr Stupid. No progress on learning English, then? Never mind, you could always try IQ school first.


I guess you would know about that school because you're still in it, lol.


What the hell is wrong with you that you would randomly pick fights with people on the internet? Did your mommy not love you enough when you were little or something? Or do you think your douche bag persona can make up for your little package?


Why don't we ask your mother that, dickhead.


You're a dickhead. "Oh I'm making funny comments dissing other people's intelligence" Asswipe. Yo mamma jokes? How disgustingly puerile.


Don't feed the troll

~Franky R.
