For father's day, my wife & daughter bought me a 2 liter boot! Can't wait to get that thing filled up and start guzzling.


(referring to your title "DAS BOOT", not the text beneath it)

Is it REALLY that difficult?

Das Boot = the boat (like a ship, you know, that thing swimming in water??)

Der Stiefel = the boot (what you put on your feet, goes up to your knee)

So your title really should have been "DER STIEFEL" (phonetic english "dare shteefle").


I'm not trying to be a d!ick, but did you get the reference?

Jürgen Prochnow, who plays Baron Wolfgang von Wolfhausen, is most known for his role in Das Boot, a movie about a German U-boat. It was meant to be a joke.

Just saying is all. --->http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0082096/


Of course I am getting it, I am fluent in your language. But it is so disturbing to me that people refer to a drinking device shaped like a very high shoe and call that a ship.

That drinking device is called "Stiefel", just like that high shoe. There is no connection at all to any boats or ships.

Only because your word for Stiefel looks exactly like our word for "small ship" does not make it funny at all. And Prochnow seems to be in real financial trouble if he is getting involved in anything stupid like this. I had no idea he was that broke...



Wow, I feel sorry for you. Trying to show off in a language you don't really know.
I am German and therefore speak german, and I meant I was (also) fluent in english.

der Stiefel (male article!) = the boot
die Stiefel (plural) = the boots

in german the female singular article and the plural article (for all genders) looks exactly the same (die).
Too bad that you didn't pay attention when that lesson was on.

I would like to apologize to the others for this interruption. It has nothing to do with the movie.
I only don't like to be insulted by somebody pretending to show off knowing my native language.



Germans do not like to be corrected on their own language. I know this because- I was born in Austria and I read the post and my poor little brain thought "der Stiefel." My lack of Anglo-Saxon anything saved me once again.


To actually reply to your post rather than critique the correct meaning of "Das Boot"...

It's awesome! I have two boots (got them at Spencer's) and they hold 3 bottles of beer each. A fun and quick way to get a bit toasty. Love it!!

So have fun, my friend.

CONAN - http://tinyurl.com/28cbr69 on TBS


I'm curious about that phenomenon with the air bubble; does it really happen or was it just a plot device for the movie?


To actually reply to your post rather than critique the correct meaning of "Das Boot"...

It's awesome! I have two boots (got them at Spencer's) and they hold 3 bottles of beer each. A fun and quick way to get a bit toasty. Love it!!

So have fun, my friend.


My wife got the boot at Spencer's as well.

As for the other comments about the title of the thread, it was as simple as KnowtheScore said. There was a movie called Das Boot, and since this is shaped like a boot, I made the joke. Pretty f@#king simple.
