Anyone seen this yet?

Please dear god don't tell me that they have hollywooded this story up!

Is it any good, the Albert Fish story is amazingly twisted, and from the looks of the trailer they've made it really look like a hollywood slasher flick.

Please someone tell me it isn't, i'm dying to see this.


Its a documentary, and a pretty good one at that.

In the night...In the DARK...



Saw it last night, and it's pretty well done, although a bit tamer than I had hoped.

They interview a guy who got hold of 'the letter', but frankly the guy annoyed the hell out of me, and I'd like to see a piano land on him.


I'm watching it now, but it's like two at night and it's *beep* scary. The narration is a bit silly however, reminds me of the additional cassette for our listening tasks in fourth grade English. And yeah, that Joe Coleman guy who had the letter was *beep* annoying.

A deep penetrating dive into the plasma pool!


Why is Joe annoying? because he presents a different perspective on the Fish case?


No, because he stumbles over what he is trying to say almost certainly due to the fact that he is constantly thinking about twisting his moustache. I know people get nervous in front of a camera and you can see later on in the doc, he comes out of his stutter shell long enough to come across as a brash concieted know it all dork.

I read some interview from him in a Disinformation book. The guy has a lot of brains and a hell of a talent painting. His interview(ee) skills leave something to be desired.

I liked the Doc. Real good info, but the flash back scenes of the beatings he recieved and in turn doled out, dragged on for far too long. Sometimes, as in the case of the bare bottom man being paddled near the beginning, it carried on to the point of hilarity.

How many seconds can you watch a flabby assed man being slapped with a leather belt, before you laugh?


No, probably looks like that from the trailer. It's a documentary.

Some people count sheep. Doesn't work with AlwaysCool, just gets him excited.
