Stomach Turning Psychopathy

Society now a days we are very desensitized towards extreme horror, murder and the like. That we can't emote unless it involves us personally. But that changed for me when I read Albert Fish's story on crimelab or

I have never been so disgusted, horrified at what this soul less man did. Describing what he did to those children as though he was instructing a recipe. I wasn't even able to eat or look at meat in the same way. Especially reading the letter he sent to Mrs. Budd about what he did to her daughter.

He is without a doubt the sickest twist ever known to man. I am appalled they made a movie about him. I don't know how they plan to show what he did to these children. Or how an actor could play this part. Or how parents would allow their kids to play the victims in the film.

In my psychology and law class, my group and I are doing a killer profile presentation on him. God help the class.


When it comes to people like Fish movies never come close to the reality of the person. Either through lack of research or a fear that the audience will be traumitized, they just can't make it realistic.

I study and write about these fun people called serial killers. I have to disagree with your statement. Our society isn't desensitized, they just have a bad habit of ignoring facts. If you don't like something you just change the channel. People need to be made aware that the creatures like Albert Fish exist. Since so many refuse to pick up a book movies are the way to get this information out to them. I'm sure you weren't shocked that they could find a cast for Schindler's List. This isn't much different.

On a side note, you may want to reconsider your areas of study. Albert Fish is definately not the worst killer out there. He appears friendly compared to some of the characters roaming the streets.


I study SKs and am working on a few thing. Could you point out some of the more psychologically depraved and tortured SKs that you have looked into? Letters they've written, breakdowns from criminal psychologists, interviews, etc.


Bundy paled to De Rais...


It is debateable whether Gilles De Rais ever killed anyone, or if he just confessed to things he didn't do because he was being tortured. But what a character.

"Violence is how men express romance on film." -Kurt Wimmer


Albert Fish is bad, but he is NOTHING compared to Dr. Josef Mengele. The man is a saint compared to Dr. Josef Mengele. He sells girl scout cookies and gives blankets to the homeless compared to Dr. Josef Mengele. Dr. Josef Mengele's story is so horrifying and so emotional that no one has even attempted (that I know of) to make a movie on him yet. I've read what has to say about Albert Fish and what they have to say about Dr. Josef Mengele. Dr. Josef Mengele is the most disgusting, terrifying, demented, twisted, uncaring, unforgiving, evil man I have ever known about. The only person that could possibly top him would be Adolf Hitler himself.

Please read:

"Violence is how men express romance on film." -Kurt Wimmer


The public , especially parents need to realize that sick-o's are out there .
His story ( albert fish ) is one of the worst ive read . But comparing these demons to one another is irrelavent . Imagine how many Albert Fish types have gotten away with there crimes and haven never been reported on . Keep your kids close people . H.H. Holmes is a very intersting Killer too . Check him out , same guy did a documentary on him too .


Parents need to let their children have more unsupervised time outside at younger and younger ages, let them have more freedom.


Well, i'm only 15. and i read the albert fish story on, and it is very appauling. but, how are they gonna pull this off into a film?!


There is a documentary called "Forgiving Dr. Mengele" that can be played/rented on netflix. Mostly in the perspective of a surviving twin. Wasn't all that great.. but its out there.


yeah, i also read his story on crime library. almost literally made me puke. it's not even the fact that he's a cannibal, but describing how "meaty" certain parts of the children were, ugh. i need to grow throw up now. this movie should be a piece of work.



"'We all go a little mad sometimes'-Scream"

That quote *originated* with Norman Bates in "Psycho", in case this fact was missed (of course, there's a tendency in Hollywood these days to shamelessly regurgitate material again and again).

Anyway, folks, look up Andrei Chikatilo (for those of you who aren't aware of him). Another fun-loving individual who killed and ate *at least* 52 boys & girls. And there was a movie made about his life & crimes, "Citizen X", which was done very well. Not for the faint of heart or easily offended, but neither is life.

"I bite." -Jeffrey Dahmer




Albert Fish IS in the top 3 up there with Mengele, and one who hasnt been mentioned yet: Peter Kuerten (u with umlaut actually but dont have that option on here I dont think). PLEASE look up Peter Kuerten and see what you guys think about him. I rank him #3, Fish #1 and Mengele #2. The only reason why I give Mengele #2 is because as sick as it was, it was part of the whole regime and way of thinking of the Nazis at that time. That IN NO WAY excuses it or makes light of it, but....I dont know how to put my thoughts into words, but I think the fact that with Fish it was more random and personal it hits harder. Also the fact that he was a poor old elderly man....I mean, how many elderly people have we opened doors for or helped up the stairs with their groceries... I mean we KNEW the Nazis were bad, but how can you suspect a little old man?

My Collection:



Personally, as someone who has a great interest in serial killers I have to admit that Fish is the only one to frighten me to this day...and he died 49 years before I was even born.

Fish and Peter Kürten are the two most interesting to me.

If I could make one indie film in my life, I'd make one about Kürten and his crimes.


The thing that really gets me is what Billy Beaton's reply was when asked what happened to his friend: "The Boogie-man took him."
It's so simplistic but so eerie, it give me chills.
For pure creepiness no one really compares to Fish, this movie will never be able to do justice to the real story.


And you quote from "Road House"? Who says is has to do justice to the real story. The movie isn't even out yet so why don't you give it a chance instead of being so jaded.


All I'm saying is the actual story is so messed up and unsettling that a hollywood manufactured version of it could never come close.
I've seen too many crap modern "horror" movies not to be jaded, I can pretty much look at a preview and now if its going to be *beep* or not. I'll stop being jaded when Hollywood stops putting out a constant stream of non-entertaining *beep* thank you very much.
And, yeah I love Roadhouse for all its cheesy over the top goodness and its hilarious one liners, so?


This is a 100% independent film, self financed and self-produced by John Borowski, the filmmaker who is not part of the Hollywood machine. That is why it takes him 3-4 years to make his films as he treats them with passion and care. See the film and post your review here after you see it. I hear Showgirls is funny/cheesy too. I agree with you that Hollywood movies are crap, that is why we ha ve to support indies and buy their DVD's and tell others about their work.


I really appreciated this film for not being loaded with the usual hypocritical hyper-moralism surrounding this subject, but inspired by a genuine attempt to glean a higher understanding of extreme, destructive states of mind, from a psychological as well as spiritual perspective. I'm sure it will be flogged mercilessly for this 'sin' of attempting to understand, even though it is clearly, in my opinion, a far more helpful approach in the long run, toward preventing this kind of aberrant behavior. And how aberrant is it actually, for those who undestand what is really going on in Iraq (hint - the Iraqis are not blowing themselves up - see Vietnam, bodycount) and has been throughout human history. A good case could be made that the most blood-drenched book of homicidal/genocidal mania in existence is the Bible, and I found the observations of Joe Coleman (proprietor of the 'Odditorium') to be highly relevant and provocative.


I have read up on Albert Fish in the past but this documentary taught me something new. Usually, when people write about Fish, it's from the exploitative and sensational point of view. This movie was more rational and level-headed. The documentary presented Fish as a very superstitious, ignorant man who took the bible too literally.

It's an interesting point of view.

Life is never fair, and perhaps it is a good thing for most of us that it is not.

