
I found this to be enlightening. I am adopted and did find my bio family on both sides 2 years ago. This brought back memories for me of that time. On my dad's side we are fairly compatible. I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters plus a stepmother on that side. Dad passed away 5 weeks after I found him and was able to spend a week visiting him. On my mother's side we are still feeling our way. There was a lot of dysfunction on that side. Most of us are in touch but still wary of each other. Most of us are seniors or almost seniors. This show was well-done in my opinion and sensitive to the subject.My adoptive parents have been gone for several decades so it wasn't a question of hurt feelings on their part. I loved it that the younger woman's adoptive family was supportive of her. So many aren't or take it personal that the adoptee is looking for and forming a relationship with their bio family.
