I was an extra in this!

Filming just wrapped in Oregon, and I had the priviledge of working with my sister and my niece on this project as extras. We had to do scenes on a bus, which included loading, and unloading. I was the only on with a Navy costume on. It's based on the 40s, and I must say they did a fantastic job with their attention to detail. I was sitting right next to Chris Klein and he kept putting his duffel bag on top of mine, and since I had to leave the bus before him, I kept pushing it off. The director liked how I ran up to my family and greeted them when I got off of the bus, so they put me front and center as they welcomed me home from the war. It was a really neat experience! They're moving the rest of the production to California now because of the crappy weather we so often experience in Oregon.


That's great Shaunzie! Good for you.

My son plays Matthew in the film. We enjoyed Oregon very much. I especially liked Scotts Mills. Yes we were rained out but filming resumes in California Nov 28th. The movie will air on TV sometime in the fall of 2006.

I loved that bus! I went on it when it was parked at base camp. With the driver's persmission of course. :)


I am Shaun's older sister, Juliann. I was an extra, as well. I portrayed a bus passenger, dressed in a pretty maroon vintage dress. the first day I went to the set, we were there 14 hours and were used for 45 minutes to film an interior bus scene. I was two seats away from Chris (Klein)
I loved every minute of it. Especially being with my brother Shaun, being silly.
The second day, my brother, Shaun and I returned for an eight hour day, along with my seven year old daughter, Myelie. She was cast as a little girl, holding a dolly, standing on the sidewalk with her parents, eagerly awaiting the bus to pull up so they could greet their soldier son coming home from the war. I was on the bus as a passenger, so I got to watch Myelie through the window. She was sooooo cute. She had to act excited about her big brother coming home, then when the bus pulls up, she runs to him and they embrace. I couldn't believe how natural of an 'actress' Myelie is. Before we left the set, she cried, because she missed her 'mommy and daddy' from that scene. Those people were so nice to Myelie. They bonded with Myelie right away, and she stayed with them the entire eight hours, just chatting away like she knew them forever.
Chris Klein stopped to comment to Myelie that he liked her freckles. AWWWWWW!
My twelve year old son, Jonathan, had been cast as an extra in a fishing contest scene, but the filming crew left Oregon before he got the chance. Oh, well............




well, they are filming in "sunny" California now!! And although it has been sunny for the most part, it is freezing cold!! My daughter is an extra at the fishing contest....and since it's taking place in the "summer" everyone is FREEZING since they are wearing "summer wear". All the women and girls are walking around in their summer dresses with sweats, boots, and coats on in between takes....quite a site!! It looks like it's going to be a great movie, and the AD said today that it should be on in the spring (instead of the fall, as earlier planned)?? Cheers to you all, and happy filming!!


I'm told the release date is still the fall. It would be great if they decided to use it for May sweeps but one of the producers told me the other day, it's still set for October/Nov 2006. I'd love to be wrong about that.

Filming is done in Sacramento now and has moved to the Los Angeles area.
It should wrap before Christmas if the sun cooperates.


LOL, the comment about "FREEZING COLD" is true! I was an extra in Sacramento, and I still have no hair on my hands...we had propane heaters that we all used in between scenes to warm our hands. It was so cold, all the guys burned the hair off their hands. The smell was awful, but it was worth it for the heat. We recorded the song "Nearer My God to Thee" for the very touching memorial scene. The ground was so cold and the weather so chilly, the A.D.s had to keep reminding everyone that it was summer so we wouldn't "forget," LOL. Also, a piece of trivia: we had to delay shooting until we couldn't see breath coming from everyone's mouth anymore. So to bypass the delay for the main actors, some of them had to chew on ice to get their breath to the temperature of the air, LOL! All in all, had a blast....


I was also! it was fun, i was in the church scene...


I was going to be an extra and went to a fitting but the shooting dates kept moving because of rain and ended up moving to a day when I had a bunch of choir concerts I couldn't get out of. I still got paid for the fitting but I was sad that I didn't get to do the movie. Oh well, hope all you other extras had fun.



I was an extra in Sacramento, CA too (and stand-in for 2 days). Yes, FREEZING is definitely right. By the 2nd day all the women got smart and we layered like you wouldn't believe (start with nylons, then layers of leggings, then sweats, etc.) anything that could be pulled up and not seen when the cameras were rolling. For once, the men were lucky in that they had long sleeves and could keep their arms warmer.

We were chosen just by being called by casting agencies. No specifics really and no audition for Background Actors. The women couldn't have too blonde, or noticeably highlighted, hair or it had to be colored. The men/boys got hair cuts beforehand. My son's haircut was so cute. I was so proud of him during filming (the beach scene and fishing tournament). He made his own fishing pole too!!

I can't wait to see the film!! Leslie




Yes, he plays the younger brother of Chris Klein's character.
He is not in the film for long. I think he only worked a few days. He seemed nice though and I think his fans will like his part.


Hey Kerry, have you gotten any word on the air date of this yet??


Two people told me they saw this on the Hallmark Channel recently. Perhaps they released it with a different name? Anyone know anything about this?


You were misinformed.

The Valley of Light will air for the first time in January and it's not a Hallmark Channel film. It's a network production. It's Hallmark Hall of Fame which is a CBS network movie of the week.


I would like to know the exact date and time this movie will be shown. I furnished and drove a car for several days at Scotts Mills. Wet and miserable, but a great experience.


There is no set date at this time; just the month of January. You can check here for updates:


They just updated the site. Now there is a beautiful poster and an air date.
January 28th 2007 on CBS



"Yeah"! I was an extra in "Chain Reaction" w/Keanu Reeves, and I got to sit w/ him at a bar and have a few drinks w/him. Actually he had the drinks! (The scene wasn't at a bar that I was in. We were on a break, and the SOB bummed a cigarette from me!) My car is in it somewhere, at least I got paid for that. The scene I'm in you only see my arm holding a girls arm. (Which took like 45 takes! I live in Chicago! 45 takes at that time of year makes you really cold being outside!!!!! Honestly, if I had gone to work those two days I would've made more money, but yet I wouldn't be writing this now.

"All you need is love"- The Beatles


As the saying goes, if they brag, they lack importance...




As the saying goes....To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing.


But then, this is the Interwebnetonline. Who here really fears criticism?


