this was aweful, sooo ridiculously cheesy, just hard to watch!


I agree, I can normally find something good about Christmas TV movies but this one was just painful to watch and so frustrating! Everything that happened to her could've been prevented if she'd used her supposedly smart brain, but by the end I was just hoping the guy would realize he could do better.



"Everything that happened to her could've been prevented if she'd used her supposedly smart brain, but by the end I was just hoping the guy would realize he could do better."

Couldn't agree more. If she was such a valued employee then why not just stand up to her boss unless her job was more important to her than her fiancé and wedding? Fiancé should have put his foot down also. It's not the way you want to start a life together but better to find out sooner rather than later just how important you are to her and what to expect from that moment on in your relationship.

When Ben complains to her that her mother is taking over the wedding, she says,"can't you stand up to her?" What a hypocrit! Later when speaking to him on the phone she tells him not to raise his voice because she's been through hell. What about the previous 3 weeks when he called her about problems with the wedding and she was either annoyed or was abrupt every time for interrupting her.

By the end of the movie I wished he had dumped her and hooked up with the sister. That would have been funny as hell.


Yep, she kept doing stupid things and he kept being helpless and nagging. They were both jackasses and deserved each other.


yep the female lead was a complete ditsy idiot


I just watched it and was thinking this might be good and then I started getting angry with it all and mad at the female lead saying she deserves all that crap happening to her. I hated that total without care boss and her goofy sister that they never put any story to her. The movie just kept dragging on and on with one disastrous delay after the other. I started thinking gosh am I wasting my time watching this. But I stuck it out.

Then finally when it came to the end like the last 15 min I saw some tiny bit of good about it. I actually felt sad for her when she was in that last airport crying and saying "its all my fault, I deserve everything that happened to me". I was like i agree lol but at the same time I felt sad for her too. Then I loved how the groom pulled all that last min stuff together. He made that ending very romantic and fun and actually moved me but the first hour and 15 min not good lol.

I visually liked the scene where her and her boss were sitting in the restaurant and you could see the waves as well as the rain falling down hard outside the windows. But that was a visual like only lol.

Oh as much as I was angry at the bride through most of the movie she redeemed herself slightly to me when she helped that lost kid and she helped that woman go to the hospital. Actually that scene where she was trying to drive that weird car was the only scene that made me laugh out loud lol. But I felt she had a good heart to help those people in spite of the fact all the other things she did to jeopardize her own self. OH and god did I hate it when her stupid self centered boss showed up at the wedding.


I just replied to the most recent commenter on my thoughts of the movie but yes I felt the same about it being hard to watch and how cheesy it was but I did expand upon some of my thoughts about it. At least now that Ive seen it I now know to only watch the last 15 minutes of it since that was the only part I kind of liked lol
