Meals on Wheels

Check out the Jackie Chan movie "Meals on Wheels", has very good fight sequences...


every jackie fan knows what movie that is =)


We now it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's the best Jackie/Sammo/Yuen flick, fook Dragons Forever!


My god, why the hell you are telling about that movie now?
I have seen that one more than 10 years ago. I am sure most people would have seen that by now. Sounds like you just discovered it.

Easy just to say, watch Thunderbolt and Drunken Master II for better fight scenes though again, I reckon most people have seen it so point on telling people to watch it. For the trio fight scenes (Jackie, Yeun and Sammo), how about My lucky stars and lucky stars 2(a.k.a Twinkle twinkle lucky stars and the target). Again, they have been out for ages so not point on mentioning now.

Or basically just watch all his movies from 1983 and 1996 since they contain a lot of good fight scenes


for the best Jackie, Sammo, Yuen film...try Project A?If you havent seen this film(im sure u have) watch it now.Although Wheels on Meals is amazing, project A is up there with Police Story and Drunken Master with Jackie's best. Adios


No harm in some good reccomendations.
