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Gamers filmmakers blog updated daily

remember to click on to and read the daily blog, which tells the story of how this ultra-low-budget indie film was made.

Sample of a past blog.

10/08/2005: "Story of meeting Kelly LeBrock"
I remember Michelle the casting director got John Heard first casts for Gamers and that gave us like instant credibility with all the other agents.
We were no longer, quirky film with quirky people you never heard of making it.
Well, we went to real actor joins quirky film with quirky people you still never ever heard of.

John was so cool, the day he took the part he called Michelle up and didn't even say hi, he just started quoting the script to her like "I'm just watching a little TV porn with your mom!"

If my own mother were still alive today the pride she would have in me for this movie. She would of moved to a different country for the language alone.

So, when Michelle asked us who would be our dream actress to play Angela's mom, we of course said Kelly LeBrock.

Well, Kelly was a smart one, unlike John Heard who said yes right away. Kelly wanted to meet with me at the Beverly Hills Hotel at the bar there. I was like really? Why me? Oh yeah, it's my movie.

I remember I showed up in a shirt that a hole in it, and I spent like 40 minutes driving around trying to get a new shirt and I said *beep* it. So I walk in the hotel and I'm early. Like 40 minutes early.

Now, I've never met a real actor or actresses at that point in my life.
I was born in Pasadena and raised in El Monte and I didn't spend any time in Hollywood.
I once was at a Springsteen concert and I said hey look its Kevin Costner as he walked by. He stopped and looked at me and then went on his way.
And once at the Calabasas Coco’s I saw Potsie from Happy Days and by the way I asked the waitress and he sucks at tipping. In fact, he got his haircut at the Supercuts in Calabasas also, and the hair stylist confirmed to me that he did indeed suck at tipping. I being a man of no fame took it upon myself to over tip for Anson on both occasions. If I ever see him again, he owes me like eight bucks.

So, I hung out at the bathroom at the Beverly Hills hotel, which is *beep* sweet. The stalls are like suites in there and real towels. Hell, I got a thing for clean bathrooms. I got a call from Michelle our casting director and she told me Beverly was all in. She and John did their first movie together and she loves the man. Who doesn't?

So finally, it's like 8 minutes until meeting time and I walk over to the restaurant/bar and look at the host. He looks at me like who is the *beep* tourist and I say I have a meeting with Kelly LeBrock. God damn, if two staff people didn't come and music from the heaven started to play and they took whisked me outside to the private patio where only the stars get to hang. I saw Cheri O'Teri from SNL at a table across from me and they got this guy playing guitar and singing some James Taylor. Hell, the guy could have been James Taylor.

The service was amazing, and about five minutes later in walks Kelly LeBrock. Amazing woman with very stunning eyes. I'm talking the kind of eyes that could pierce your soul and she was so positive and supportive. Because, I kept saying words like "I hope the movie does well", and she like "it's going to make you rich for your family." Hell, it's kind of a nice thing having a super model that hasn't seen your work you did with a jib at The Home Depot believe in you.

Kelly took time off to raise her family and she was talking about how she got chased by a bull on the farm and all this outdoors stuff that sounded like very hard work to me.

She's so funny and makes perfect eye contact. The first thing she said was that she blinked and almost missed her part in the film and then she came up with the orgasm line and said go ahead and expand her role. And my God the mouth on that woman’s, she can swear! It's so cool!

We talked a lot about family and at that time my wife and I were expecting twins.
It was one of the best highlights of the entire project for me. I owe that woman a great deal. I left feeling all good and like I was somebody special.

And then it took me 40 minutes to find my way out of the Beverly Hills hotel and I was back to second guessing myself to do this project since I can't even *beep* navigate myself out of a large pink hotel.
