MovieChat Forums > Gamers (2006) Discussion > Blog + Trivia extras by Christopher Foli...

Blog + Trivia extras by Christopher Folino

Welcome to the IMDB Bonus Blog.
To read part one of the blog go to

And now part 2

On todays blog at I spoke about finally catching Meredith Zealy's performance in "The Notebook" and how we intentionally had her say the line "She's doing good today" in "Gamers"
This was for honestly done for all two guys who would watch our "Non-PC-R-rated loving" movie and that damn chick flick "The Notebook."

I wanted it noted that we had Meredith wearing much less clothing in our movie and she makes-out with the lead "nerd" character at the end of the film. This movie is much braver than "Munich", we actually, give all nerds who have ever played Dungeons and Dragons hope!Yes! hope man!
Hope like in that the next "Dungeons and Dragons 2" movie won't be another comedy!


Again, make sure you read todays blog for January 2nd, 2006 at

And now part 2

The casting of Beverly D'Angelo, William Katt, and John Heard was intentional.
We thought it would be "good luck" to cast the three together since they all started out together in 1977 on a movie called "First Love."
Since it was our first movie, we wanted all the luck we could muster!

We added a scene with Beverly and John that called for them to be in bed with two men.We kind of left that scene out of the script we gave their agents so we wouldn't get turned down. We figured we'd have a better chance "begging the actors to do the scene once we got them to the location face-to-face! And both actors were kind enough to do the scene!

Beverly and John play "Swinger" parents in the movie "Gamers". Both were hired for one day and the location was in Newbury Park, CA at my home.

The scene in the bedroom called for John to use a cell phone, which I gave him my personal cell phone to use. Bad move, the phone broke right after the scene, and it was the worse moment possible. My wife was in the hospital after giving birth to our twin boys the same day 10 weeks early.

The phone breaking was karma for not telling the agents about the new scene! early.


IMDB has posted our movie poster on the "Gamers 2006" page.
We are very proud of that bad boy, and special thanks to Jeff Jumper for creating it!

Also, since we are an ultra low indie film, we are spending our 200 dollars on web advertising with various search engines and key phrases.

Here are some add we have running.

Happy Hanukkah to
Bob and Harvey Weinstein
from the only movie you don't own

"I live with my parents,
it's a temporary situation.
temporary, just til they die"

Laugh hard for days
Gamers-Comedy movie -Funny
It doesn't suck, swear to God

Gamers the movie -Comedy
The indie comedy that will
live up to the hype.

Star Wars Holiday Special
was a cult classic in a bad way
this is a good cult classic! Gamers

For anyone who knows what
a twenty sided dice is? This movie
is for you buddy. Yes, for you.

So that is it!


You can read part 1 of the "Gamers" movie blog by clicking onto

While making an ultra-low-budget indie, every bit of money counts.
You beg for a free camera, little people, and props! However, you always manage to waste money on something lame! Well, at least I did.

In the making of "Gamers" we wasted a bottle of Dom Perignon champagne 1996 I believe.

In the movie there is a scene in the backyard of Gordon's house, (which you can see in the teaser trailer) and he's talking about retiring his DND character and he raises a toast to the crowd. Well, we thought, it would be funny to have the Fernando character pour the expensive bottle of champagne over Gordon's head to celebrate like they won a football game, instead of retiring a 38th level elf!

The only champagne we had in my house was a bottle of 1996 Dom Perignon that I thought would bring good luck to the movie. Everyone told me I was an idiot, and I said screw it! How often do I ever make a 35MM movie? Which, by the way is like never!
Sadly, we were so rushed to shoot 15 scenes a day that we lost lines that John Heard's character was going to say! "Christ, is that’s a thousand dollar bottle of champagne? He's an idiot!"


Remember, to view the other part of this blog to click onto

And now part 2 -The character of Gordon of what might have been?

The lead role of Gordon was originally offered to actor Jarrad Paul, who is the talented actor who played Adam Rafkin, from the TV show "Action."
No audition needed, the filmmakers were just "huge fans" and wanted to work with him.
However, since the filmmakers behind "Gamers" had no credits and the budget was less than the craft services budget on the movie "Bewitched"
It took over a month to get his agent to take the project serious and not think of them as "stalkers". The casting agent and team had to move on. Auditions were held and the perfect "Gordon" was found and one day after casting Kevin Kirkpatrick, Jarrad's agent called and said he would accept the role.
However, they were a day late.
And since the filmmakers were huge fans of the show "Action" they also contacted Jay Mohr to appear in the film. However, his agent flat out told the team that "Jay's not interested in appearing in a movie, where they pay more money to the camera rental house."
Well, we got the camera donated so he might have a good point.


Remember to go to for today's blog.

The part of the little person in "Gamers" is played by Chris Hollyfield who was the only actor to be flown from another city to appear in the movie. Chris was flown from Florida to California and stayed in a hotel for three days.

The little person part was the toughest part to cast!

The part was first offered to two other actors.
The incredible actor Tony Cox from "Bad Santa" whose manager turned it down automatically. However, once Kelly LeBrock, John Heard, and Beverly D'Angelo got involved they were interested and asked for points in the film and a one day salary of $10K.

Sadly, the 10K was more money the entire production crews budget for the movie.

The other actor was Gary Coleman, whose agent said "This wasn't the right material for his client." Who at the time was doing "Cash Collect" TV spots dressing himself up in various unifoms.

In the end, it worked out great. Chris Hollyfield may have been one-of-the-only Little People able to lift up 6"4 actor Kevin Kirkpatrick and spin him around twice.


You know they already did a Dungeon and Dragons 2. or there's my snarky review.


Coming this week, listen to an exclusive hour long interview with Beverly D'Angelo, Kelly LeBrock, William Katt, Michael Bell, and the writer/Director Christopher Folino. The Podcast will be at and it will feature exclusive clips from the movie.

Learn the story of how "Gamers" was made


We thought we would ad some new onlines ads.

Here are two of the latest

"It's never cheerleaders or hookers with us, is it?"
Meet Kevin the Dungeon Lord

"I was just napping! With my pants around my ankles? Because, my belft was too tight?" -Meet Reese

We are dropping on the IMDB MOVIEranking, guess they're making room for "Big Mamma's House 2!"
