the REAL bullet in a bible

When me and my friend went to the imperial war museum, London - we saw the actual 'bullet in a bible' and the 'little boy' bomb they tap! gosh i was exited! i almost started licking the bomb (i'm such a loooooooser). has anyone else been there????

<3 x death with a silver lining x <3



You are so luckey! i cant go to England until I am older and move out of the house but when i get out of high school, ill be there!

"Do you have a problem? I have a gun. I'll shoot you. No problem."”-Billie Joe(Green Day)


lol, not THAT lucky......i live just outsie London, i go up there quite often (not the museum just LOndon in general)

<3 x death with a silver lining x <3



Your funny mind you i would've probaly licked it hugged it and kissed it and i would of wanted to take it home Shameful i know oh well that's just me :D

Never Run In The Rain With Your Socks On- Billie Joe Armstrong
