This is going to be on LOGO July 16 at 10PM EST. I think I'm going to try to watch it and hope it's not too homophobic. I've never seen the show, so I don't know what to expect.


It's not homophobic--but it certainly indulges in gay stereotypes for comedy. The only thing that bothered me is that I know they're stereotypes, but someone who isn't tolerant might just get theirs confirmed. Always a double-edge sword with the gay comedy. It'd be light saying an overtly hetero comedy film like A Night at the Roxbury was an accurate depiction of straight men. Yikes!


I'm interested to see what LOGO will edit out. It's not THAT bad but there are things that aren't for tv airing, like the line "except for the blow jobs".


... and of course the 'Girls Gone Bat(Sheet)'
