Worth buying?

Absolutely love the series! And if absolutely love the series you would think any fan would go out and buy the game.

I saw it in Asda supermarket, and when I saw it on the shelf, i didn't have that emergency rush to buy it.

I think the thing that held me back was, that not so long ago i played The Godfather game, it was good as first but then got really boring, even though i adore the trilogy.

Thats why im askin you, if you have it.

Worth buying?


I hope this isn't too late but; NO, It isn't worth buying. If you thought The Godfather got boring then this will probably put you to sleep. If you can rent it you should do that to give it a try. You might just finish it the same night - That's exactly what happened to me.


Nahh these games aren't worth buying, don't get me wrong if a friend has this game borrow it and play it the game is awesome but like the previous post said u play a game enough times it does have a tendency to get BORING like Batman Begins VG haha I actually prefer to rent video games...Only ones worth buying are sports games....


ok well if u wanna play the game rent it cuz it onlys takes a hour or two to beat then it just collects dust on ur shelf id suggest for buying games sport games,

a select few fps games cuz then at least u can up the ante with difficulty and ya no try and go faster thru the level

racing games never get dull imo

and if u want a gta style game i suggest


hope my personal opinion has helped at all

and i cant stress enough do not buy this u will regret it!


I've read alot of negative reviews on this one (I haven't gotten around to playing it yet), but it's hard for me to say because I got my copy on ebay for 3 bucks, so even if it sucks I'm only out 3 bucks, so who cares.
