new name + new release date!

Apparently, Wedding Daze isn't the title anymore. They changed the title to "The Pleasure of Your Company" and the August 17th release date has been removed from all the major websites. I was actually looking forward to this movie this summer!


Wait a sec. I think you have things a little backwards or I'm confused. I've been looking forward to this film for a while now and thought I had read interviews and stuff elsewhere that the movie was originally titled "The Please of Your Company" but they had to change the name to "Wedding Daze". IMDB just hasn't switched it over.

AThe August 17th date has been removed from all major websites because MGM decided not to release it in the US. Atleast, that's what I heard the director/writer say in a video.

It got released in the UK. It's so not fair that it won't get released here.


Yeah it was a pretty major release in the UK, with billboards and adverts on bus stops etc and i think it did pretty well, i went to see it and it had sold out twice in Glasgow, so i guess it did at least average, so it's a bit surprising that they arn't even trying it over there. It'll be out on DVD though so you'll get to see it eventually :D

Isla Fisher Rocks!!!


where did you see a video where he mentioned it wouldn't get released over here?


its still being released as Wedding daze here in Holland Tomorrow

I Worship The Goddess Amber Tamblyn


it was always called 'the pleasure of your company" It was then swtiched to wedding daze aka the next girl i see.


so when is it coming out here in the US???

Michael Returns-- 8/31/07


Going straight to DVD......January 15th.


Released on Jan 15 2008 under the title of "Wedding Daze".
