What the hell...? *spoilers*

That's pretty much how I reacted to this movie. Coming on here and seeing that a lot of people actually seem to LIKE it really baffles me when I thought it was below average. Beelooowwww. It was very awkward and incredibly cringe-worthy. The parents, they creeped me out most of all (his, in particular). Giving his son a cock ring? The parents other er, sexual activities? Ugh. And then there's her parents. What the hell was up with the mum? Going off to bang the dad the moment he breaks out of prison? With her other guy RIGHT THERE? Honestly.

The rest of the characters were wackos too. Jason Bigg's character was pretty much a loser and Isla Fisher was insane. Both of their friends were less annoying but it didn't make the movie much better. Another thing that really bugged me was how cliched and try-hardy some-- or most-- scenes were. Like the one where they're in the jail cell and he proposes and everyone's suddenly looking incredibly moved and miming, "yes!" encouragingly (lol even her mother, who disliked JB's character earlier on).

I'm not going to keep bitching about it but I just thought it was astoundingly bad. I don't expect much out of romantic comedies-- in particular ones I had not heard of previously-- but they often surprise me in being charming little movies. This was just too weird for me.
