i actually really liked it.

alot of people disagree, but it was funny and sweet. i loved almost every single minute. best movie i've seen in a while.

worth a watch or two!


I really enjoyed this film, it was good to see Jason Biggs do what he does best, and I thought Michael Ian Black's writing was hysterical, plus I have a super crush on Isla Fisher


I agree, this movie was great. Jason Biggs was kind of a neurotic douchebag (which made the character hilarious) and Isla Fisher was amazing, probobley her best work to date.

Breathe in, inhale vapors from bright stars that shine
Breathe out, weed smoke retrace the skyline


yws, it was really good movie, it sould have good rating


Yeah, I enjoyed it too.


I had passed it up on the video shelf for some time, then said I was taking a gamble when I rented it. It was great from the begining till the music stopped playing at the very end. I like all kinds of movies but this is one of the best overall I have seen in a good while.


I agree with OP. This movie was different from what I was expecting. My other half rented this and I prepared myself to sit through yet another uninspired Rom-Com. I was pleasantly surprised, this was funny and Fisher and Biggs had good on-screen chemistry.


I liked it too! It wasn't half as bad as I had heard it would be. Michael Weston is always nice to watch, and really- the whole cast was refreshing!

"Saying 'I'm sorry' is the same as saying 'I apologize.' Except at a funeral."


I totally agree. I liked it more than the last two American Pie ripoffs at the very least. The movie was much better than I thought it would be, and I'm glad to have seen it.

I think that with a different cast, it would've probably been one of those indie movies that always gets played on the Sundance channel. It straddled the line between a quirky cult movie and a "hollywood type" romantic comedy, but in the end didn't fully fit either category.

"Sometimes Malvert pee red."


I agree that in the thought that it was funny and sweet, but I can't really say it's the best movie I've seen in a while. I just got done seeing Michael Clayton this week, so that could be the reason :-). I thought that Joe Pataliono (I'm sure I spelled that wrong) was completely hilarious! I was happy to see him do a role that I'm not use to seeing him in. I would recommend it to anyone who wants a comedy that's about love (and not sex for once) and is in the mood for a light hearted comedy.

the ellipsis was a stupid idea


I like it also seen it more than once and laugh each time. Its a leave your brain at the door comedy but an enjoyable one.


I really liked it too! I didn't expect it much when I rented it this afternoon, hadn't even heard of it. But the movie surprised me. Sure, it's not a masterpiece, but the characters became likable to me (except for Vanessa; her big blue eyes made me want to put a bag over her head), I laughed pretty frequently and there were some aww moments... though some "ugh" moments as well, which the movie could possibly have done without. But overall it was so lighthearted and different to other romantic comedies I've seen. One thousand times greater than movies that made it to the theaters close home, like "The Heartbreak Kid" which I think sucked. It's nice to see other people liked it as well.

What is THAT?
It's priest!


Just finished watching it..

Like you guys, i actually enjoy watching this..
and the whole story actually tied in together pretty good.

Not like some stupid comedy like "Hot-ROD"


Well.. the plot of this movie is weak..The story is weak..
But the humor they are using in this film.. DAMN!!! So funny!
Sometimes a little too much.. but I laughed and laughed.. till even tears rolled over my cheeks..
My opinion about Wedding daze.. --> Hilarious.. but weak..

Let's have an intelligent conversation here: I'll talk, and you listen



i thought it was a cute romantic comedy...the kind that i love. i loved the movie.


i assume its just a matter of taste... i .. really didnt like it... and i tried... heaven knows i did try lol ... i thought it was very....well.. american (no offence... but american humour is a tad lame...)


yeah I thought it was very sweet at times, and the ending has got to be one of the funniest i've ever seen! Isla and Jason had great chemistry :)


I'm watching it right now. Fifty-four minutes in, it's much funnier than I thought it would be.

Oh how I wish that Woody Allen would come to his senses, stop making boring movies about Euro-Goyim, return to New York and make Jason Biggs his on-screen alter ego/lead (while continuing to star in his films himself.)


I'd run at Isla Fisher!
