MovieChat Forums > Spy School (2008) Discussion > A RIP-OFF of Big Fat Liar

A RIP-OFF of Big Fat Liar

both movies are about a boy who always lies and no one believes them when they tell the truth


You could say that about 50 other movies at least over the course of history. Kids movies are all the same. They are designed to keep kid's attention for an hour and a half or so and tell a semi-entertaining and non-threatening story with a moral.


It is not a rip-off of Big Fat Liar. It is merely a new story with the same theme as the boy who cried wolf, just like BFL was. Doubting Thomas is based on the same thing as Big Fat Liar, not copying it.


There are indeed many films that start with a child trying to convince adults of something unusual and meeting with disbelief. One of the first and best was the 1949 film 'The Window' in which young Bobby Driscoll witnesses a murder and soon becomes a target. I'm more curious about why they changed this film's title from 'Doubting Thomas' - an appropriate choice despite the biblical reference (in which Thomas was the doubter, not the doubted). But... 'Spy School'? What spies? What school?


