Fav Scene

well there is a scene, whn hartsock goes on the bombed chateau, there is a moment whn everythin slows down, n allen n garnett n desola look at u, n hartsock sayd "Allen n Garnett Died the next morning, n desola the day after"....... i hav played Road To Hill 30....already.... so in a way it really touched me... i hav nearly played all world war 2 games, mainly cod n moh series...but i never saw somethin like this ..... BIA series really stand APART...

"My dad used to tell me that its the quiet times after the war that scared him the most.........Now i understand what he meant" - Sgt. Matt Baker


yeh i would prolly have to agree with you on that. That scene was well done.


Favorite scenes:

- Yup, the last mission with Allen, Garnett, and DeSola.

- Bloody Gulch/Hill 30 (both games.)

- Three Patrol Action intro. Garnett and Allen steal the entire game.

Corrion: Great
Baker: Not now, Sam.
Allen: Yeah, not now, Sam!
Garnett: *beep* Like I said before, your mouth is *beep* big. You could fit a bass in there!

- Ending of All Americans Part 2 chapter, especially with Hartsock's "I believed I could succeed where Baker had failed" line.

- Lieutenant Colonel Cole's speech in the Cole's Charge mission in Road to Hill 30. "If you see something shoot it. If it screams in German, shoot it again."


It pains me to see Doyle and PAige die in All Americans part 2, Seeing Doyle literally vaporized was.....goddamn. And PAige saying: "I'm really *beep* up here Sarge" with blood coming from his mouth really filled me with anger at the Germans

BUt for some hilarious scenes such as:
1."Your Mouth is too big, you could fit a bass in there."
2."So why a BAss?", "I don't know, I panicked, I made that up so I can make my point."
3.(After seeing COrrion covered with waste)"Well you really look like *beep*
4."What happened to you?", "I tripped"
5."And I like whiskey."
