
I'm getting this on dvd so I had to stop myself from watching it on tv.I just want to know if Michael Buble was in it,or was that just talk?I love him!!!


Yup, Michael was definitely in this tele-movie :) He was great!

"Quoth the raven 'Nevermore'"


Thankyou for letting me know.I can't wait to see this


Kath and Kim do a wine tasting segment at a festival of some sorts, and Kim (gina riley) does a great job of chugging down about 4 glasses of wine in about 5 mins. So funny! all the extras on the 2nd disc in the dvd set are great


Kim/Gina getting those wines down was one of the funniest things iv seen. I loved it when she nearly fell out of charater!

GiNa rILeY'S #1 fAn eVeR To lIvE...xxxTRuBeZ dA lil' BLoNdIexxx..=)
