Symbolism in the name Judas?

I kept wondering during the film......Who names their kid Judas? Isn't he the one who betrayed Jesus in the Bible for 30 pieces of silver?

So I did a web search on the topic of Judas = betrayer and i still don't have an answer. Perhaps because the character in the film is a thief and self-serving Narcissist?

Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Discuss please.


Thanks for the post, just saw the movie and I was thinking the same thing. I kept hoping he would find redemption but unfortunately he never did. I guess it was supposed to be like a real life situation when things just don't work out. I kept noticing how they mentioned "real" so many times.


There were allusions to a meta-narrative throughout. The name, the stealing, the "King of the world" or whatever. The trappings. But never the girl. Unrequited love. It's significant when he "tells her a story." She's just back from 'Rev' and he says,"I'd trade my whole kingdom for you." The 'Rev' is concretely linked in the next shot: Revelation 16:13.

"Then I saw three impure spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet."

In the end he's in bed with the girl...he gets the girl. He confesses that he hates unrequited love. Then she's gone. Just stop it! He made it all up.

