that's all i wanted t say really. D**n Fox and their evil puppet stealing ways!!!!


They couldn't bring Tardy back even if they did have the puppet. Fox probably owns the rights to the character still. I mean the guys who make the show could probably have some fun with the character if they still Had Tardy,but they wouldn't be able to use him on the show.
It's a shame,really. Susan the Monster shared the same fate as Tardy.


Dude, if Tardy isn't in it anymore, what is the point...


I loved Tardy i thought he was sooo cute.
But, he along with Susan the Monster went missing.

"What, you dont't like rice? Tell me Michael, how could a billion Chinese people be wrong?"



"My bed has rails. [squawks]"

(It's funny, cuz up until like my senior year of high school, mine did too, but I wasn't about to admit it willy nilly! :-))


Actually, if you have the IFC dvd, you can hear his voice on the menu for one of the episodes. Greg and Warren can be heard saying how he "shouldnt be there" but they never make reference to why and never say his name.


The Tardy puppet was stolen, probably by someone at Fox, although no one knows for sure!

Scotland is the most obese nation in Europe. Imagine what it would be like without all the heroin!
