MovieChat Forums > Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Legend (2006) Discussion > Favorite and Least Favorite Levels?

Favorite and Least Favorite Levels?

My favorites have to be Japan and Ghana. I loved all the climbing in Japan, the water wheel puzzle in Ghana, and both of the boss fights ROCKED!

As for my least favorite, that would have to be England. I didn't like the whole thing with the museum and the coffins. Though, I must admit, I really liked the boss fight against the serpent thing. That was awesome!

What about you guys?


my favourite were england and kazakhstan. england becuase i loved the whole king arthur thing! and kazakhstan becuase i loved the tesla electric machine, im fasinated by that!oo! and nepal because i loved the music!

my least favourite was bolivia because it wasnt exactly the best level ever!



I really like; Bolivia, Japan, Kazakhstan and Nepal.


My favorite was probably Japan, because I loved the feel and the climbing of that level. My least favorite is probably England, because it was so dreary and rainy, and Kazahstan because I HATED all the electric stuff, because I was really bad at it.


Mine were Ghana (beautiful environenment) and Nepal. Least favourite were that Kazachstan one and probably England too.




Ghana,Japan, Nepal
LOVE climbing, those levels were excellent

hated Kazakhstan though, electricity wasn't fun.. I loved the voice acting whenever Lara got gassed / electrocuted, well executed


I would have to say that I enjoyed all of the levels pretty well equally. It was individual sections *within* certain levels that I did not like.



my favourite level will definitly have to be ghana, mainly because of the boss fight - "Love the music"



My favourites were Peru, because of the bike chase (didn't like the Kazakhstan one too much) and Nepal, because of the music and the climbing.

Least favourite would have to be England, because it was so damn dreary, although the King Arthur stuff was very interesting.

Ghana was a love/hate level - it was beautiful, but I hated the Rutland fight.

"Oh, awesome, the ship sent us another Sawyer"


I loved Japan! I thought the rest of the levels were ok except for England because it was annoying sometimes and also creepy. I liked Peru for the motorbike chase but I didn't like the flash-back part and Nepal was pretty cool.
