MovieChat Forums > Richard III (2007) Discussion > I was on the set, but my name is not in ...

I was on the set, but my name is not in the credits

I signed up to be an extra on the set. I spent two long days there, was not paid for the extra work, but was promised a movie credit. On leaving the set on a Friday evening, I got into the worst CAR ACCIDENT of my life on the 405 going South from the Valley (in Los Angeles). To make it worse, I was driving a brand new mercedes, only 1300 miles on it. The car ended up being in the body shop for 3 months, and I just got it back last week with tons of unresolved problems on it. What a bad ending to the day.

Now, after signing in to imdb, and expecting my name to be on the credits, as was promised, it's not there. Double whammy. Bad accident in brand new car, and for all that nothing to show for it. I am REALLY dissappointed. What a REALLY BAD EXPERIENCE.


Sorry to hear about your accident, but IMDb doesn't always credit everybody who's credited at the end of the movie, and indeed often leaves out extras. If you want a credit on IMDb you should probably submit it yourself.


I didn't know you could do that. Surely then everybody would be putting their names on all kinds of movies to show they have more experience?



Thanks, I really appreciate the info. I submitted the update,lets see how long it takes.


Sounds like the beginning of a great movie. Keep writing and see if you can pitch this crappola to somebody.

P.S. Extras - Especially those who dont get used on film - dont get credit in the end titles.


There's no need to be offensive, jcfilms. And incidentally giving credits to extras is not entirely unknown: sometimes, as in this case, a credit is an alternative to a fee. (In fact some people pay to appear as extras and get a credit.)

"An inglorious peace is better than a dishonourable war" ~ John Adams


what was richard tyson like or did you get a chance to meet him?


I met Richard Tyson on set... I was in a 3 person scene with him and Scott Anderson. The guy is funny, a little bit racy in the humor department (in spite of mixed company) and an all around good fella. Who the _____ you? Well...

I spent a coupla days on set with them... A couple more for some other stuff... CGI for my decapitation... arena/pit fighting... etc.

Glad there is some interest ot there for this.

"This is Jack Burton in the Pork Chop Express, and I'm talkin' to whoever's out there."


So because you suck as a driver, you expect to get a credit in a movie? You were an extra. You're job was to stand around. You were a prop with skin and dangly parts.


What were you?


lol he killed an european superb car, is a delinquent :D


You're credited there. I assume that mean's you'll be credited at the movie's end?


Sheez. That was a year ago. This is long forgotton.


I see that you've not worked since ! (Joke!) Its interesting that you got your entry in Imdb, presumably quite easily. I've been trying to add some TV films from the 1950s for ages now, but get trapped by a series of questions I can't answer...although the films do, or did exist. Whats your secret ?


good luck getting credited. Not very likely being an extra - they don't regard extras as "talent".

I was an extra in many episodes of Xena and Hercules in the 90's - at least we got fed extremely well and paid a little :)


Sorry to hear but it seemed more like you were on the set of MacBeth!
