Alternate Storyline seen at E3

anybody remember the original E3 trailer for this. the original storyline in that trailer was different to the one that is now present at the game. Instead of Kaileena being killed by the Visar, she kills herself to give the prince back the sands of time (the Prince also kept the amulet). Also, the trailer was much darker and grittier like Warrior Within compared to what it is now. From what i've now hard about the development of the game, about how they throught it was a mistake to go with a dark story and go back to the original roots with sands of time.

i think i would have prefered the game as it was originally outlined, it looked much better in that trailer compared to what it is now.


agreed. POP 3 really sucked no matter what anyone says I think we all know deep inside that it didnt live up to the hype.


The Two Thrones was the best from the 3. I don't care what anybody says.

- "There's a thing in my pocket, but it's not one thing, it's many."


two thrones sucked...BIG TIME!!



Recently I decided to replay The Two Thrones and I was wondering why I was so dissapointed when I first played it. Then around a week ago I saw that E3 trailer again and I remembered. I mean, the trailer was so epic it almost made me cry! It made me anticipate the game A LOT! ...And then they made the Prince look gay(in the cutscenes, he was fine ingame), Kaileena look like she got 20 years older and botched the whole epic storyline that was hinted at in the trailer.
But the final game is still good in it's own unepic way, I still like it but I'd really want to know what the original plot was (and the music, I love the music: both the used and the unused one).
I hope I didn't bore someone to death.


T2T ruined the HYPE created by Warrior Within!! WW had the best storyline!!


and you can all vote here

When I was a kid there was sorrow,But it was little


i thought T2T was the technically best game of the series, the platforming and fighting element had all the flaws ironed out and were perfectly balanced imo. I think the story was fitting and gave a nice end to the series.

I enjoyed WW but the games many serious flaws spoiled it for me, i had to restart my PS2 version so many times that in the end i needed to buy it for the xbox just to see the ending. I still have a problem with the whole sand wraith paradox bit though.
