Not as good as Warrior Within

i just don't think the story is as interesting, warrior within seemed a much darker story.

That's Nice




I like two thrones a lot better simply because there was more character developement of the Prince. I liked warrior within but i felt it was really out of place compare to the rest of the two. SOD and TTT had this arabian fairy tale tones to it, i think that is a much better way to tell the story of PoP instead of the dark, heavy metal, i'm so angry way. Another thing that was better about TTT was the ending. When the Prince told Farah that he would tell her a story that no one has ever heard of it ties up the trilogy so well and the reason is because in SOD the whole game was told by the prince like a story and it goes on to the end of TTT. I thought it was awesome i got chills watching this ending, i felt fulfilled.


The reason the prince lost his "badatude" is because so many people complained about it after WW was released, so Ubi remand the price's image, and brought back the original voice actor for the prince. I actually liked the metal music of the second game.

To me, it actually makes perfect sense. In the first game, the prince was young and niave. After going through the ordeal of that game, he was a changed man: pissed, and angry. This sets up the way the prince acted in WW. In T2T the prince has been through even more, and I think he's more able to deal with his anger, thus a reemergence of his original attitude.

makes sense to me, at least. :)


Warrior Within is better to me. The Two throne's ending is to short and pointless, the ending and some of the video scenes are better in Warrior Within. I like the voice actor better in Warrior Within while the two throne voice actor sounds to whinny like a little girl DAMN You UBISOFT!.


TTT takes the throne (pun intended) for dumbest story ever. Reasons:

1. Farah is still a whiny girl who doesn't listen to anyone, especially the Prince despite being in HIS homeland and still orders him around. She doesn't have her Medallion of Time but is still unaffected by the Sands.

2. Even the common people aren't affected (they should be), which makes the whole story about the Prince's redemption fall flat.

3. Everyone affected by the Sands retains their intelligence.

In SOT, EVERYONE was affected by the Sands, including King Sharaman, the Prince's father


The reason the prince lost his "badatude" is because so many people complained about it after WW was released, so Ubi remand the price's image, and brought back the original voice actor for the prince. I actually liked the metal music of the second game.

To me, it actually makes perfect sense. In the first game, the prince was young and niave. After going through the ordeal of that game, he was a changed man: pissed, and angry. This sets up the way the prince acted in WW. In T2T the prince has been through even more, and I think he's more able to deal with his anger, thus a reemergence of his original attitude.

I agree that the metal music was good, becasue it fit that darker game better. I would be odd hearing the SOT music in a dark torure room filled with relentles beasts. Also peopel complained, becasue of the atmosphere. Not all of Persia is Bright palaces, there are also ruined wastelands. I liked T2t the best, but WW was not as good as SOT, becasue the focused to much on sex and blood, but it had better fighting



I liked Warrior Within... there was a large part of The Two Thrones that SUCKED. From after the first boss


Warrior Within is better IMO aswell, much better, something very missing with TTT, traded it and and got Resident Evil 4, am much much happier...


Story Between the first 2
Music hell of a lot better
Gameplay Uber better


Warrior Within sucks! Plenty of bugs, strained story, poor storytelling, annoying metal music (I love rock, but it was just too monotic, it get's frustrating after a short time) - that's about WW. Sands of Time was far better, the ideas, the gameplay was smoother and more authentic, the whole story was much more interesting. SoT was an almost perfect game, Warrior Within is far away from it, it's just the shadow of his big brother, the weak point of the POP franchise.


Couldn't disagree more...

Warrior Within was a game made for the masses. Edgy music (that was incredibly annoying), a prince that shouted expletives for no reason, random T&A.

While the gameplay was still top notch, it didn't mesh with what the original set out to do. Two Thrones gave me an interesting character yet again. Go UBIsoft!


sot was the most elegant one..(the music was great!)
WW had the creepy, dark and selfisch atmosphere (not the best of music..)
T2T has both,..(good music, great platforming, i liked the dark princes voice talking to the prince..espesially the sarcasim i must say,.. well and many other things)

with WW I was terrified..I was jumping in the air when i finally finished the game.
i like hard rock but, not all the time..that could have been way better..
the camera movement were kinda enoying sometimes..
and ´´BITCH´´ word and all the rest of the cursing well.. I didn´t Think the prince would use that kind of speech.
and the dames where ´´little´´ tooooooo nude..

but i have to say.. the princes voice in WW was way better than T2T.. it sounded more expirenced and all.. rough.
the yuri guy was good for Sot since the pince was kinda a prat there.. butthey should have used the guy in WW for voice in T2T..

i was also jumping in the air when i heard farah was in T2T though...(good thing they didn´t dress her like the ladies in WW)

SOT and T2T rulezz,..WW is second place..

´All that is your is rightfully mine, and mine it will be!´


all right all redy!!! so wat prince sayd bitch big wop in wole 3 series 1 moment wen he sais bitch and bang! Bung! i dont understand why?


I liked sands of time best, followed closely by the two thrones. Think of the series as you would star wars, the dark general masses version warrior withen was needed. After all if the developer hadn't made him a tough bad ass in WW then there wouldnt have been a dark prince to conquere in the third one and complete his magnificent transformation. The ending of the third one is so epic, the way they tie all three together, god I'm going to miss the rewind feature. Can't wait for a new one though........


I agree! I like the sands of time best and then the two thrones. Warrior Within is the only one that I didn't beat. I traded it in like half way through cause I wasn't really feeling it. I didn't really like the dark storyline... or the music..... Is there a new one coming out?

Drench yourself in words unspoken/ Live your life with arms wide open


People, People. You must remember what someone else (name I cannot recall) has said about The PoP being one big flowing story. It is irrelevant that there are three seperate games, you should, nay, MUST see it as a great big game. I beg of you all to cease this pointless debate and bask in the almighty glory that is The Prince of Persia!!!!!!!

"Nobody cares about ZOIDBERG!!!!" - Dr Z


You're right, it's not as good as Warrior Within, it's better.

The World Is Quiet Here


"You're right, it's not as good as Warrior Within, it's better."


Let me add that the games should be considered as a whole. The three make one huge flowing story. Instead of nick-picking over which one was/is better in what way, think about them as one whole story.


I totally agree, Warrior Within is my second fav. game of all time, I have bought 6 different copies of the game, because I beat the crap out of the copies playing it relentlessly! It just rocks period!!! T2T my God I looked so forward to it, and I was so disappointed by it, When I heard T2T had like Chariots I was psyched I was like wow that's a great added touch, well, to be honest, after 2 chariot parts, that I remember, I was like, these suck! they were so frustrating, and the bosses in T2T were so frustrating, especially the first boss, took me 3 days to beat him, and then, the Vizier, did nothing but make me mad! But all I will say is this, if you want the order from best to worst, Warrior Within 1, Sand of Time 2, T2T Worst!

I have all 3 because the PoP series has become one of my favorites, next to Castlevania (Best Ever), Devil May Cry, Metal Gear Solid, Onimusha, Resident Evil, and Silent Hill.

"No for 3 reasons, A I'm not that lucky, 2 we have smoke detectors, and D we live on the most boring street in the United states of America, where nothing remotely dangerous will ever happen! period!" -Buzz, Home Alone





I liked the music in WW. But I'm an action/martial arts movie fan, so hard rock and fighting go hand-in-hand for me. I also liked that you revisited the same areas over and over. I got more familiar with them. Really knew my way around. Not many things are more satisfying than cruising through a room in 45 seconds when it used to take you three minutes. The familiarity helped me feel more connected with the characters as well.



I played Warrior Within before I played Sands of Time. So, I think I was able to enjoy it more regardless of the prince's attitude since I didn't know him any other way.


Warrior Within was better anyway.


It's still my favorite of all three.


i think my favorite was two thrones, gameplay wise, visually, everything...but as far as warrior within i have no problem with it. i think the three worked sot he's young and naive, not sure what to do, in ww he's spent all this time running from the dahaka and it's definitely forced him to become a lot tougher, and more cynical, (i mean come on, everyone keeps telling him he's gonna die) and once he conquers that, he can finally least for a moment. but he fought his fate, killed the gardian of the timeline and emerged he's going back to his old enemy, and while he's not as dark, he's just as much of a bad a**, i think. if you don't get what i mean, play the game on easy after you've beat it. notice how if you do it all right, everyone dies via speedkills. it's like he's coming home and cleaning up the place. but he's more optimistic now cause no ones telling him regardless of what he does he's going to die.

i think the games rock. i wish there were more.



I loved the music in Warrior Within. In my opinion nothing says "kick-ass fight sequence" like this kind of hard music. It only bothered me that it continued so long after the enemies were all gone because it mislead me into thinking that there were still one or two left lurking somewhere.

I'd agree that the environments were not as breathtaking as Sands of Time, but I would by no means call them boring. Especially the outdoor areas. That first time the Prince runs up the stairs to the main entrance in the past? And the whole garden tower? And I liked the idea that I had to revisit places. The familiarity allowed me to cruise through all the platforming, which I considered to be just as fun as the fighting. I'm into parkour, so I really got into that. Knowing the environment made for much smoother travelling.

The dahaka chases were my favorite parts of the game! The feeling of urgency, that you actually had to move quickly, made it all the more satisfying to move fluidly through one obstacle and into the next.

The blood seemed out of place to me as well. I turned it off my second time through the game because I just thought it made more sense that way. I didn't realize that would turn off the dismemberment as well. . .

My only gripe about Warrior Within is with three of the six boss battles. Either they were mindlessly repetive, relying far too much on the Prince's vault attack (the battles with Shahdee), or they were ungodly hard, i.e. the Dahaka boss battle. I thought both battles with Kaileena were excellent though. My all time favorite boss battles in any game, ever. Just the right amount of evading, countering, and attacking. No set strategy required like in T2T, and no button-mashing like the single boss confrontation in SoT. Do what you want, according to your own style and preference. Perfect.


I agreed with the character changes even though most people complained about it.

I actually didn't like the gameplay in T2T. I liked the speed kills. Especially in the boss battles. They gave you something to do besides button mash. But the animations for the regular attacks were so much longer and more elaborate than in the first two games that it made the controls incredibly loose. You could push fifteen buttons and just sit back and watch the Prince go through all those motions. Unfortunately, if an enemy moved or attacked, the Prince began swinging endlessly at nothing or getting his ass handed to him. I much preferred the tighter controls in WW.


I loved the character development and as someone who fell in love with SoT and was dissappointed in the drastic testosteromeified Prince of WW, T2T really made up for it all and actually made his character changes make sense.


For some reason, WW felt so relentless and endearing, that rarely have I felt such a compassion to continue playing, just for the sake of surviving to the end. The music was brutally accurate to go along with the violent gameplay, that I have not felt to often when it comes to video games. The TT was not a bad game... it has its epic music(the Cyclops) and brutal bosses(the twins), but does not have the same impact that WW had for me. All in All, I would have to say WW is the better of the two.


Warrior Within is a shining example of what happens when Ubisoft tries to mass market a game that has a built in dedicated audience that's loved the series for years (let me remind those of you who don't know this: The Sands of Time is NOT the first Prince of Persia game, it's been out for YEARS)

What we ended up with was a game with HORRIBLE music that DOES NOT fit in with the game, needless T&A, needless profanities, a prince who yells and screams as he breaks pots and pans, a game that drags for a ridiculously long time about halfway through, collectable weapons, some of which take way too long to find and unlock and aren't even worth the effort, and way too many monotonous fights with tiresome enemies.

At least there's no multiplayer server problems.....oh wait, that's because there IS no multiplayer....any game that DOES have multiplayer with Ubisoft is already got one strike against it. They're not really known for staying on top of game problems.....

WW is a great game. But Ubisoft dropped the ball big time on this one. If they had just made appropiate music for the game's setting, cut out a lot of the monotony, made the unlockable secret weapons worth getting and battles fun as opposed to a constant chore, WW would've been a much stronger contribution to the series.

As it stands, The Two Thrones is far better. A little short but it reflects the source material well and the music is appropiate. Plus of course there is that little thing about character development and whatnot.....


I think WW is really cool because of the way that it explains why the sandwraith throws the axe and why the fight with Kaleena and Shadee takes place. But i think the ending of T2T is brilliant. Doesn't farah get really weirded out by the fact that she met the prince seven years ago??????????? scary huh? SoT is boring, WW is interesting, but T2T is the best by a little bit. I think they could have improved the Boss fights a little though



I think Warrior Within was better than the T2T. First because the prince was cooler in WW. He turned all kiddish again in t2t which i dnt like. i prefer a more serious atmosphere. Second, the villain in part 3 was stupid. Vizier was crappy and he looked ugly and the battle was not fun at all. Dahaka was a great villain (looks, battle sequence, and i love those chase scenes). I mean the battle with dahaka was great...i wanted to kick his ass since hte first chase scene Lol. Third, the ending in t2t was so quick and retarded..i mean its great to see a conclusion but it was like.10secs long? And i think the dark prince wanst so evil..i mean he was sarcastic and insulting but he never came off as an 'evil' person. the prince of WW was more evil Lol. But i enjoyed the dialogu between prince and dark prince. t2t didnt have as many traps as WW and the traps were my favourite part, oh well. fourth, t2t had no weather changes or night/day-this was really stupd and made the whole 'roaming babylon' kinda disapoining. Finaly, the story of WW was much better htan t2t...t2t was linear from the point he met The vizier...WW had twists and turns which are of course better..t2t wa slke 'ok i gotta kill the vizier and talk to farah a few times..then he kills the vizer'. pretty simple-they couldve done better! but nevertheless, t2t was a fun game.



i havent played two thrones yet, im thinking of getting it this week. but i've played sands of time and two thrones, but to choose i pick sands of time storyline.

i like more the prince from part 1, he looks more calm and..blah lol i dunno..i just like more the sands of time more.



I think he meant to say that he hadn't played Warrior Within yet.


I agree that WW is better.

First of all, WW was hard. I remember dying about 10 times on normal difficulty in the first boss fight with Shadee. But during that tutorial on the ship I learned the combos and perfected my timing for counter attacks. When I got to the Island of Time, I was doing combos all around. I was actually expecting enemies with JOY just to try out some new moves. And the boss fight with Kaileena in the throne room... Best boss fight of my life. I fought with her about 20min. Dodge, jump, attack, block, counter... that was the art of fighting. Then playing again on hard mode... It was just so awesome. I liked the voice actors better than in T2T, and the dialogues seemed more convincing. And the soundtrack was appropriate, considering the environment in which the game took place. Like in SoT I could feel like I'm there with the Prince and understand him, his motives and all that.


isn't at all like that. First, Kaileena got uglier. I don't know why. Farah got uglier and annoying. T2T was also hard. WW was challenging, but T2T was frustratingly hard. I didn't like the SPEED KILL moves. They relied too much on the speed kills. Situation>> You have 3 guards and the Prince. If you fail that triple speed kill, one of them calls reinforcements. Now you have 6 guards and the Prince. "Good. I know the combos, I fought this many enemies in WW." Yeah, right. My Azad's Furious Retaliation got blocked, one of the guards knocked me down, the other surrounded me and every time I tried to get up some of them would beat me down again. And I haven't managed to pull ONE single successful counter attack. Even when I hit one of them with a successful Rage Of Darius - nothing - not even a scratch on him. I know they're powerful monsters, but come on...
In 70% of the time if I don't manage to pull a SPEED KILL, I'm the one who gets SPEED KILLED. That JOY from WW when fighting enemies is certainly gone. Along with the combo performing. The hit'n'run fighting is much more effective here.
There goes the best aspect of the previous game, down the toilet.

The voice acting is also a lot worse than from the previous two games. The music remained great.

What I also don't like is Dark Prince. I expected that when you turn into him, you'll be having moves like 1-hit spectacular slowmotion kills. Instead, you have a chain which you can wave around + your health drops constantly, and that's it. That's hardly what they call "a deadly Dark Prince, ruthless, reckless and inconsiderate."

But the worst of all, is the atmosphere, the mood(or the lack of it to be precise). I simply did not feel that feeling of actually being there, like in SoT and WW. Like something was out of place. The awful dialogues (especiually the lines of Farah) didn't help at all.

But still, the game was fantastic. And if I can love I game in which I don't like so many things, that must be a hell of a game.

