
Wow, I enjoyed Newsradio tremendously, and was happy to see another of the few movies that Dave Foley was in - but this movie offended me - as a Christian. They made Christians out to be hypocritical (well sure some can be) and rude. Christians in general are not hypocrites, nor rude. If you've run into some that are.. then you've run into one of few.


It's a MOVIE SugarGhost.

If you want, I can give you a long list of movies (popular ones at that), that portray all different religions, races, hair color, height, and weight in a negative light. It's called humor.

Oh wait, I just realized, none of that will matter to you because christians are right and everyone else is wrong, so my list of movies won't prove any point to you.


Bravo! I was repulsed by this film too!


Christians... hypocritical?? lol!


The group that thinks I should be put to death and then tortured for eternity aren't rude?

Good to know!

Perhaps the OP just wants to reach out for some sense of community.
