No horror here

Deceiving title for such a demented movie. I was expecting a zombie to appear somewhere here but nothing. I was just watching the time counter to see how far the boring parts where lasting and it went all the way. I wasn't that mad as I had my viewpoint from horror to dramadementia type of plot. I think it was just a sad movie.


well, first you should already know that there are no horror movies.

about this film, i find it kinda sad.

skizophrenia is absolutely interesting and absolutely sad.

i enjoyed this one very much, actually.

it has nothin' to do with horror.

this are my 0,02 cents.


I'm fairly sure he had Borderline Personality Disorder and not Schizophrenia. He was also, from seeing his little basement "apartment," either high functioning Autistic or had Aspergers.

Either way, he was definitely trying to escape his own screwed up brain.

Let's also not forget how abusive dad was towards him. Take someone mentally ill and smack, poke, scream, etc at them and you're just *really* not helping them - I think the dad used him as a release, taking out all his frustrations and such on the son.

Being happy is like peeing yourself, everyone sees it - but only you feel the warmth!


hmm, prolly sure on that..


The name is tricky. This is no horror movie. A drama, and a good one.


There is plenty of horror in this movie if you stop thinking about Horror in the cliche manner you're so used to. This is real drama and the horror is how this family falls apart. The horror is how their love for this child is their downfall.


There is horror there, it's just not the type you are into. It's a very sutle horror movie, about the mind of a schizophrenic and the delusions held within.

"God's not supposed to be a hack horror writer." - In The Mouth Of Madness


If you want to catagorize this as ¨horror¨, then it is horror of the mind.

If it harms none, do what thou wilt.



I would definitely call this a horror, not every horror needs to have ghosts, zombies or guts in it.

I would say this film is more then a drama, there was alot going on in the film that was very disturbing to me.
