Kumar Pallana is my hero!

I can't describe how much I love the actor, the thespian, known as Kumar Pallana. He is an unbelievable human being. "I lose my touch man" - Bottle Rocket "Best play ever man" - Rushmore "He has the cancer" - The Royal Tenenbaums "Do you have an appointment" - The Terminal. Now I'm not saying he deserves an academny award, just a nobel prize ... for bodacious-ness.

Kumar Kumar Kumar Kumar Kumar


Do you know the details of his role? I am desperately looking for the storyline of this film. I know it's about relationships...but I am just nosey and want to know more. :D

Sophia Harris


He is doing well for a 86 year old. He was pretty funny in The Terminal. I'll be cool to see him in more movies. Can't wait till this film is released.

