OK I have a few questions that I really cannot figure out and they are bugging the hell outa me. I just finally beat this game. I loved it and it was a amazing story. Now the questions...

1. At the end of the game, Cloud and Zack speak before Zack's death. Cloud walks away with the sword taking Zack's honor with him. In 7, Tifa finds Cloud all messed up after Zack dies and he remembers nothing of Zack. What happened here? How did Cloud just forget Zack, and when did Tifa actually find him? Also, why does Cloud believe that he is 1st Class when at the end of CC he knows he is not???

2. How come in Kingdom Hearts 2, Cloud has a wing???

3. How come Sephi can control Cloud in 7? Is it because Hojo injected S cells into him while he was in the basement of the mansion???


Hail to the King Baby...

Even if heaven forgives you, I am going to kill you.


Q&A from previous threads...

In Crisis Core, when Zack is informed that Aerith has been writing him X number of letters. Did I hear this correctly, did I hear it had been four years since he departed to Nibelheim? I'm not sure the period of time was discussed in FFVII.

Aerith had written Zack 89 letters (88 of them were being held by Tseng for 'delivery' once Cissnei/Reno/Rude safely captured Zack/Cloud - sadly, that didn't happen); the last letter was delivered by that Angeal clone they'd confronted in the church. It had in fact been four years since he left w/Sephiroth on the mission to Nibelheim at the time she'd written the letter. Zack and Cloud were on the run for about a year after escaping the Shinra Mansion lab until Zack was killed outside Midgar. I don't recall any such references to the time period in the original game, except for Cloud's age. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought he'd mentioned in the game that he left to join SOLDIER at age 14. We know from the game booklet that he's 21 during the we could do the math and see that seven years had elapsed between his departure from Nibelheim to join SOLDIER and his reunion w/Tifa at the sector 5 train station in the original game. This timeline is completely supported in CC.

How long was it from the time Zack said goodbye to Aerith and the time he fought against Sephiroth?

He's 16 at the beginning of CC. In Angeal's death scene, he cries at the church and then there's a jump forward in time two years and we see him sitting in the Shinra building w/the longer hair and healed facial scar (now age 18). After making the flower cart and attempting to sell flowers with Aerith, he receives orders for the Nibelheim mission. He asks/tells Tseng to keep an eye on Aerith for him, then leaves. He must still be age 18 b/c the guide says he dies at age 23, so it had to have been less than a year between his departure on the mission and his enslavement by Hojo to be a lab rat (for four years + the one year on the run w/Cloud). <<This answers "how long were Zack and Cloud being experimented on?" They were lab rats for four years.

In FFVII, when you visit the Shinra mansion and read the text on the tubes in the basement, it is implied that there was communication between Cloud and Zack planning their excape. It would appear that CC totally ignored that. Can you explain it?

I don't think CC ignored it at all. Four years is a long time to be in a lab. They could've scratched those notes to each other shortly after being put in the tanks, before the experiments really got into full swing and Cloud became a Mako-poisoned catatonic.

Remember in FFVII, when Tifa explains she found Cloud at the train station, Cloud is all "drugged up" until he pops up and tells her he made it in Soldier first class.... when Zack and Cloud are fleeing in CC, Cloud is also disoriented. But at the moment when Zack is killed, Cloud crawls over and it seems like he's okay.

Almost an entire year elapses between their escape and Zack's death. That's plenty of time for Cloud to have at least started to recover. Then tragedy strikes again...he sees his friend gunned down and in a pool of blood...that may have been enough of an emotional "jolt" to accelerate his 'recovery'.

Was he able to compose himself after Zack was shot until he reached the train station in FFVII? Or did he fall back into a state of disorientation and end up there by chance?

I don't think he ended up there by chance. Zack's destination was always Aerith. Midgar, train station, Aerith. Zack constantly talked to Cloud about their plans (remember the truck ride in the game flashback) and even though Cloud was disoriented, I'm sure the information still resonated in his brain. In CC we see him purposely walking toward Midgar, dragging the Buster Sword with him. We also hear Zack's 'ghost' or whatever, reminding him "when you see Aerith, remember" ironic.

Now...what happens during the long walk to Midgar through the Wastelands? Here's my explanation of Cloud's memory loss and subsequent assumption of Zack's identity from a previous thread:
Tifa never forgot anything...she was just too (afraid? stupid?) to tell Cloud the truth about himself and his memory loss.

Cloud was a Sephiroth clone in that he received Jenova's cells and an 'ultra' showering of Mako as part of Hojo's 'Sephiroth Clone'/'Reunion Theory' project. It does not mean he was created in a lab. He was human and did grow up in Nibleheim w/Tifa as his next door neighbor. He joined the Shin-Ra army at 14 and sometime between then and his trip back to Nibleheim at age 16 w/Zack and Sephiroth he tried to join SOLDIER, but failed.

When Sephiroth went mad at Nibleheim, Cloud and Zack survived but were seriously wounded. Hojo (mad scientist that he is) decided to make them test subjects in the aforementioned Seph Clone/Reunion Theory experiment. After four years of being a lab rat, Zack breaks free and takes Cloud w/him (ultimate destination Midgar). After a year of being on the run, Zack gets killed just outside Midgar by Shin-Ra army grunts. Cloud continues on to Midgar where he eventually meets up w/Tifa, having forgotten almost everything that has taken place since he joined the Shin-Ra army at age 14.

This is how the Ultimania explains Cloud's memory loss:

Nomura says that due to Jenova's mimic ability, when Cloud meets Tifa in Midgar Jenova reads Tifa's memories of Cloud from before, merges those memories w/those of Zack and forms a new personality for Cloud based on that information. This is why Cloud still remembers Tifa and important details about his life from before and why he completely mimics all of Zack's traits/mannerisms as well. The UO says potential SOLDIERs are scouted by Turks based on their mental/physical strength to withstand the Jenova/Mako treatment. Cloud failed this 'test' once before, but Hojo didn't care about his test subjects' ability to withstand treatment, he just wanted to prove his Reunion Theory. Cloud's mind broke as a result (Mako poisoning) - Zack's did not b/c he'd already passed such treatment upon entering SOLDIER. Cloud's mind could only recover from the breakdown and function by suppressing the memories and forming a new persona of himself even though he was still confused at times. Which is why he keeps hearing voices (his subconscious trying to reveal the truth to him, and Sephiroth calling to him from the Northern Crater) and having flashbacks in the FF7 game.

His memory loss and subsequent assumption of Zack's identity blended w/his own is a kind of 'compromise' between his mind and the treatment he received to keep him semi-sane. Otherwise, he would have been just like the other numbered black-cloaked clones in the game walking around mumbling "" and trying to make his way to the Northern Cave. Interestingly enough, Nomura also states that this is the REAL reason Cloud pursues Sephiroth throughout the game, proving that Hojo's Reunion Theory was correct (all cells of Jenova attempt to reunite). And that since Sephiroth was in control of Jenova, it was Sephiroth that was controlling Cloud and beckoning him to the Northern Cave all along. Cloud managed to convince himself that he was chasing Sephiroth "to settle" and to save the planet.

And from Scinfaxi
Sorry about the long wait time, my internet was down for a few days thanks to incompetence at the cable company. In any case, mason answered the questions exactly as I would, using information from the creators found in the Ultimanias.

I will add an important piece [she] left out though. There is a period of over a month between Zack's death and FF VII beginning. He probably did some odd jobs or merc work here and there between Zack dying and meeting Tifa, and he got the arm band and a new shoulder pauldron during this time as well. When Tifa saw Cloud he wasn't entirely catatonic, as we see when Cloud talks to Zack and shows some signs of recovery, but his whole, "I'm Cloud, SOLDIER 1st class" persona that we see in the beginning of FF VII wasn't created until he saw Tifa, and the Jenova cells took her memories and Cloud's memories of Zack and put them together to make "SOLDIER Cloud."

I can't answer the KH question, as I've not played the games yet, but from what I understand the Cloud wing is only in fan art representing that Sephiroth is his alter ego (Seph has a black wing on one side and Cloud has a white one on the opposite side - like Yin/Yang or Good/Evil). I'm sure someone else can/will be able to add further...


Wow.... that was INCREDIBLY helpful. Thank you VERY much. Is there more to this FAQ, and if so, can you link me? Thanks again that was awesome and helped so much.

Hail to the King Baby...

Even if heaven forgives you, I am going to kill you.



Plus Aerith is alive in KH. ^_^ Obviously cant be the same gal from FFVII.

The face of a child can say it all. Especially the mouth-part of the face.
-Jack Handey



Ok, In Crisis Core AND VII during the Nibelheim incident, Cloud is impaled. He then throws Sephi off the ledge and into a wall, where he falls down and is assumed dead. BUT, in the Last Order OVA, Sephi is thrown into a pipe, he then just jumps down by himself. Any idea what really happened?

And why isn't Cissnei in the OVA, there are just a bunch of other Turks.

Hail to the King Baby...

Even if heaven forgives you, I am going to kill you.


The OVA just told the story differently for some reason. I really don't know why they didn't keep continuity with the OVA and all of the games, but they didn't.


There were minor continuity issues with the Last Order OVA, but I'd hold whatever is in CC to be canon as it is the most recent version, was done by the original creators and agrees with the original FF7 game. Last Order was authorized by SE and included in the Compilation, but it wasn't done by SE.


I know I should be posting a lot of these questions in different places, but I'm getting such great answers here, I'm going to continue.


So I know Hojo claims that he is Sephi's father and all, but isn't it possible and more likely that Vincent is Sephi's dad? Vincent loved Lucretia, is it possible that Hojo just found her already pregnant and injected her with the cells???

Hail to the King Baby...

Even if heaven forgives you, I am going to kill you.


You should see how many fanfictions were spawned off of this idea.

Yes, I believe that Vincent loved Lucretia and vice versa, but she felt guilty about something with his father. I don't know what because I haven't finished Dirge of Cerberus. But, anyway, she left him and married Hojo and probably didn't have contact with Vincent in the timespan that he could be Sephiroth's father.


I entertain the idea of Vincent as Seph's father...but that is pure speculation on my part - nothing in the games/movies suggests that this is the case.

Hojo claims he is the father in the original game. Vincent obviously accepts this as fact as demonstrated in both the original game and DoC.

Not much is shown regarding the relationship between Lucrecia and Vincent apart from a couple of fleeting flashbacks Vincent has as shown in DoC. Vincent had not been shot by Hojo until after Lucrecia became pregnant - recall the scene in DoC where Vincent confronts Hojo/Lucrecia about experimenting on their own child. Sometime during the pregnancy Hojo shoots Vincent and begins experimenting on him. Vincent has a flashback of being in the lab tank when Lucrecia is screaming at Hojo to let her see her baby (Sephiroth) just once before he's taken away. Was she already pregnant when she and Hojo married? That information is never revealed. Did she and Vincent have an 'intimate' relationship? One can only speculate as, I stated previously, there were only a few flashbacks shown in DoC.


Awesome thanks for the help again. I've really been racking my brain trying to think of everything I have ever wondered because im getting really great answers here.

How about this one.

Sephi is technically the perfect soldier and cannot downgrade like Angeal and Genesis, but then why is he known as the One Winged Angel and you fight him as this form at the end of 7???

Hail to the King Baby...

Even if heaven forgives you, I am going to kill you.


The phrase "one-winged angel" refers to one who has fallen from grace. There are lots of biblical and mythological references peppered throughout all the FF series. SE uses them on a regular basis and this is just another example. Like the biblical Lucifer, Sephiroth was 'perfection' - an angel who became a demon...the echelon in a culmination of scientific experiments to produce the perfect SOLDIER - one who would lead Shinra to the Promised Land.

The entire Jenova Project began as Shinra's attempt to clone the Cetra/Ancients. Legend held that the Cetra were an itinerant race that could commune with the planet and that there existed a Promise Land that only the Cetra could find and that they would one day return to it. Since all the Cetra were dead, Shinra wanted to reproduce a group of humans with the abilities/powers of the Cetra so that these Cetra 'clones' could lead them to the Promised Land. Shinra misinterpreted the Promise Land as being a place overflowing with Mako energy. Unfortunately, Prof Gast, head of the Shinra Science Dept who led the expedition which uncovered Jenova's remains, mistook Jenova as being one of the Cetra. He didn't know that she was an alien lifeform that crash-landed on Gaia and nearly destroyed it and its inhabitants (which included the Cetra and humans). Thus, he began working on the project to create a race of Jenova/human hybrids that would lead Shinra to the Promise Land.

The project included the experiments which created Genesis, Angeal and finally, Sephiroth. Gillian (Angeal's mother) was one of the research scientists working for Shinra's Science Dept on the project. She was also a direct participant - as were Genesis' parents and Sephiroth's parents (Hojo and Lucrecia). Each successive experiment was an improvement upon the last.

Genesis and Angeal were like the Beta tests (Project G). Gillian injected her body with Jenova cells. Pregnant with Genesis, his mother was injected with Gillian's cells (indirect method). Gillian was also pregnant (with Angeal) at the time she injected herself with the cells (more direct method). As a result, both Genesis and Angeal were born possessing superhuman traits passed on from Jenova but Genesis' and Angeal's bodies suffered degradation (Genesis at a much faster rate than Angeal).

Finally, a pregnant Lucrecia was also injected with Jenova cells. But this time the fetus was also injected with the cells (most direct method). As a result, Sephiroth was born with superhuman traits passed on from Jenova and his body suffered no degradation. Thus he was the perfected experiment (Project J). Hojo later perfected the Jenova/Mako treatment given to fully developed humans that produced the other SOLDIERs (like Zack). But due to the method of injecting him directly with Jenova cells as a fetus, Sephiroth surpassed all other SOLDIERs in power and ability ('perfection').

In addition to being the best SOLDIER and Shinra's poster boy, pre-Nibelheim Sephiroth (we're told) was an adored/beloved hero not just to his colleagues and Shinra, but also to the citizens of the world such that many young men (like Zack/Cloud) set off to join SOLDIER to be just like him. We see him given credit for ending the war with Wutai in CC, but he was already established as a hero and put on a pedastal long before that event. It's never revealed what he's done to gain such status...we're not told why he is a hero, just that he is. Then quite suddenly he transforms into this mass-murdering psychopath hell-bent on conquering and/or destroying the world. He went from hero angel to villainous demon in one fell swoop. If that's not a text-book fall from grace, I don't know what is. He is the embodiment of a 'one-winged angel' or one who has fallen (hard) from grace...


That was awesome and helped a lot on things, but that still leaves me with the question. If Sephi cannot degrade, how come you battle him as the One Winged Angel where he literally has 1 wing like Angeal and Genesis???

Hail to the King Baby...

Even if heaven forgives you, I am going to kill you.


I honestly don't know why the wings form, but I doubt they form due to degradation. Maybe the natural evolution of one injected with Jenova cells from birth is to form wings. You'll notice that only Genesis, Angeal and Sephiroth form wings. No other SOLDIERs/people injected with Jenova form wings. The winged clones (including Hollander/Lazard) from CC don't count as they are simply copies of Genesis and Angeal. You'll also notice that Sephiroth isn't decaying in either CC or the original FF7 game like both Genesis and Angeal were in CC. I think this is proof alone that his body is free from degradation.

Further, in the original FF7 Sephiroth transforms himself into Bizarro Sephiroth then into Safer Sephiroth. Why'd he choose the angelic forms? This is just another example of SE's biblic/mythological references. Sephiroth saw himself as a demigod. His plan was to absorb the Lifestream and become this superbeing that would rule the planet, use it as a vessel to travel the cosmos and one day find a new planet to rule. Remember that he has the all the powers and abilities of Jenova and she possessed/displayed the ability to mimic, transform and/or shapeshift into all manner of organisms (including Sephiroth, Jenova Birth, Jenova Life, Jenova Death and Jenova Synthesis).

Edit: When Seph and Zack visit the Mako #5 reactor, Seph and Zack review Hollander's stolen notes and one says "Report on the SOLDIER Degradation Phenomenon". The report reads The heightened abilities of SOLDIER members are maintained bya a delicate balance of various genetic factors. A change in this balance could only be caused by a "leak" of genetic information, but this is not possible under normal circumstances. This phenomenon is unique to the SOLDIER type G. Thus only Genesis and Angeal (SOLDIER type G refers to those created under Project G) suffer degradation...not Sephiroth (whose was created under Project J).



Thanks for all of that fabulous info! I haven't played FF7 in 8 years I think. This is all great refresher. I really need to play it again.




Sephiroth never claims Hojo is his father...I think you mean Hojo claims he is Sephiroth's father.
