Ben, the Kid

Am I the only one who thought Ben was a little old to believe in Santa Claus? He was especially old to be sitting on Santa's lap.

“If they let Jack do it his way the show would be just 12” –


That's what I thought. Just saw the movie recently and my mum and I thought he was at least 11 or 12, but in the movie his mother said he was only 8. He certainly didn't look it.

IMDb: Where opinion is fact.


Whatever his age, at least he wasn't irritating. Some Christmas movies are unwatchable because of the annoying kids.


According to imdb the actor was born in 1992 and this was released in 2005, so it was prob in production when he was around 12. You and mum were spot on. What odd casting...

"To me you are the teacher in a Charlie Brown cartoon"

