I really don't care if you read any of this as a spoiler,I have never really understood why someone would whole-heartedly dive into the forums, and then lambast people for giving out spoilers, before they watch a film....

Being from the UK, it was quite hard to relax into this film from the get go, this is an Argentine film, in english, not sure why they did that but the accents were quite heavy and very distracting. Plus everyone had an english surname. I spent half the film playing guess the country.I had no idea that it was Argentina before I watched it.

It was deliberately confusing, in some parts, and those parts did not advance the story in any way, well not from my point of view any way. And there were at least 2 needless deaths, they did not die because in the good old horror tradition they had been fornicating, but from some virus. A virus which just happen to make it's way inexplicably into the story.
(Imagine if this was 'A Nightmare on Elm Street',not only does Freddy haunt your dream, torture you, crack a few jokes, then kill you, he gives you Aids too). In this case it's yellow fever. This in essentially a story about how one brother was jealous of the other.

Another distraction, the placing of the various twin extras. And not in any subtle way.

The lack of any serious acting talent. (I recognise it was low budget).
No empathy could be achieved with any character.

I certainly did not need the 15 second shot (was it 15 or 10?)of the topless (and very pert), female corpse. Perhaps rigor mortis had only set in on her chest. Regardless, she probably gave us the best acting of the entire film whilst on that slab.

Was it a mental hospital or the average garden variety medical hospital? Did the director know?

A hospital is quarantined, during the day, but a nurse cannot find any staff later that same night? What?

But the best or worst bit was the birthing scene were a woman gives birth to a 130 year old man, there was a contracting vagina and everything (it was like a pulsating slit), and the old baby came out hand first, flexed and then removed part of his own face/flesh, only to reveal another underneath.

And what was the point of kidnapping the birth mother's corpse only to leave it lying on the floor?
