MovieChat Forums > The Ultimate Gift (2007) Discussion > At the beginning of the movie, why was E...

At the beginning of the movie, why was Emily Rose at the funeral?

At the very beginning of the movie - they are having a funeral for James Garner's character. At the funeral - They make a point of showing the little girl (Emily Rose) who would later turn up in the movie (she has the pink umbrella). But why would she have been at the funeral? She was not related to Garner's character.


maybe because she was in the Red Stevens wing of the hospital.



Perhaps, but they never really explain that.

Youngblood II: Racki's Revenge


later in the movie when she sees jason about to flip a coin with the homeless guy she mentions that she saw him at the funeral, he asks her why she was there and she said me and my mom have lunch here everyday, obvioulsy they were having lunch and they were near the funeral, why they have lunch in a graveyard i do not know


i have lunch there all the time its dead quiet.


There are a lot of things they never actually explain in the movie. Some pretty sloppy storytelling at parts. ,


as stated earlier she was in the Red Steven Wing

during the coin flipping in the park, she mentions my mom and I
like to come here and eat. I thought she was refering to the park not
at the graveyard.

as for loop holes in the plot, I feel at times you just have to take for granted or assume what happens. If they have to show every detail then all movies would be more like a mini series 20 hours + longer.

just my 2cents worth


I wondered that too! I couldn't figure it out. It seemed like they just wanted to introduce her character early!


When Emily's mom is at Thankgiving dinner, she said that her daughter was staying in the Red Steven's wing and was receiving excellent care thanks to him.

Perhaps Emily attended out of gratitude.


Good point.


Its probably in the dead centre of town.


For exorcism. Just kidding. I saw that movie not that long ago.


At first I wondered why the girl and her mom were in the cemetery as well. But in the end I decided that it really didn't matter to the telling of the story. I only consider it a "pot whole" if a vital piece of information is missing and it keeps you from understanding the movie. Sometimes things just happen.

The girl has terminal cancer. For all we know, she could have been looking at burial plots. She could have wanted to see where her body would be after she died. It could be some other reason. In the end however, it doesn't really matter. She was there because she was there. Not everything needs to be explained.

One last thing: I agree with the person who said that sometimes movies leave out certain part of the story simply to keep it from being too long for people's attention spans.


Well, I for one, believe that them being in the
Red Stevens wing, and being the kind of ppl they were,
would of course pay a little visit to the funeral
of the man who's to blame for your care.

That's just something nice, they seem to have done.

And in the part of the park, they *DO* say that sometimes
they have lunch there... IN THE PARK, not the graveyard.

That's what I understood anyway.
Makes more sense to me.

