So scary!

The Strangers is scary to me. A lot of people have been very vocal about how stupid they think it was. However, I disagree.


I don't like being in a house alone at night. I don't like when people knock on my door when I'm not anticipating anybody. And the thought of somebody knocking on my door in the middle of the night just to see if I'm home so they can taunt me in my solitude scares me to death. That's why.

Yes, The Strangers has some cliche parts to it, but it's not enough for me to condemn it altogether. The film as a whole unsettles me enough to overlook its Hollywood blunders.

I think we can chalk this up to the fact that some people get scared by certain things and other people don't. Fear, though, is universal. And The Strangers most definitely strikes fear into my bones.


If you look at it that way, then even comedy movies are scary too. This movie wasn't scary; all it had was jump scares.


I think it goes deeper than that though... If you look at it just as a scary movie, then I would agree that it does fall a little flat in the "well done" department. But I feel creeped out when I watch it because I really do not like being home alone. That scares me.

I think The Strangers is flawed. Most definitely. But when I am home alone, or if I'm in a secluded area where I'm not sure if I'm alone, I think of The Strangers. It's stuck with me :) and to me, that constitutes it as a scary movie!

I don't think everyone gets scared by the same stuff so I don't fault anybody for disliking the movie :) If this type of thing doesn't scare you, then it's really going to fall flat and seem stupid.

What movies do you think are scary?


If you look at it that way, then even comedy movies are scary too. This movie wasn't scary; all it had was jump scares.

Yeah, there are tons of comedies where a couple is terrorized in their home by random killers


Posted by curious chaos
The Strangers is scary to me. A lot of people have been very vocal about how stupid they think it was. However, I disagree.


I don't like being in a house alone at night. I don't like when people knock on my door when I'm not anticipating anybody. And the thought of somebody knocking on my door in the middle of the night just to see if I'm home so they can taunt me in my solitude scares me to death. That's why.

Yes, The Strangers has some cliche parts to it, but it's not enough for me to condemn it altogether. The film as a whole unsettles me enough to overlook its Hollywood blunders.

I think we can chalk this up to the fact that some people get scared by certain things and other people don't. Fear, though, is universal. And The Strangers most definitely strikes fear into my bones.

Posted by sofianXmXh
If you look at it that way, then even comedy movies are scary too. This movie wasn't scary; all it had was jump scares.

curious chaos, you point out an issue that many people in this world will very much agree with you on, being in the safety and security of one's home is very important in maintaining a very real sense of stability in one's life. While not all people have the fortunate circumstance of having the luxury of knowing this type of stability in their lives(and very sad that it is), but for many people the safety and security that they feel while inside their own personal, living space of their home is a very integral part of their life's stability.

In it being such an integral part of the stability in our lives, its only natural that to have that violated is one thing(ie. A burglary) which very much alters the sense of security that one feels from that point forward in their very own home. Now, crank that up way more than a 1, 000+ notches with being violated by way of a home invasion, with perpetrators whose sole, and only motive is to strike fear in the very core of your being, to terrorize, torture, and even kill for no real cause or reason whatsoever, and by no wrong doing of your own, but rather the exact opposite of your having zero control in the "why" the violent crime is being inflicted on you, and your loved one's. Such an extreme lack of any type of control within your very own personal environment in such a way as depicted in this film would, without a shadow of a doubt strike overwhelming, heart stopping fear in every single one of the people who are going around repeating over and over and over and over the same posts about how "its so NOT scary at all".

Everyone of them, including you, sofian, would feel terror unlike you've ever known, and for most people, especially adding in those closest to you, who you love and care about tremendously also being there in harms way, and being openly terrorized and tortured, and possibly even killed, all right before your eyes as you sit there unable to do ANYTHING other than watch or close your eyes. (*Even most sociopaths, while having zero regard or feeling for others, have fear based upon their own selves being personally violated).

The reason this movie is quite disturbing to a good many people who otherwise are usually UNphased, UNimpressed, and UNaffected by the vast majority of all horror films, is exactly due to it playing on, or tapping into a fear that's felt universally by so many. No matter their race, sex, creed, nor what "language" they speak, We all universally speak the same language when it comes to our personal security, and our loved one's personal security being what's at stake, and the very, real, palpable fear that strikes at the very core of who we are when that is violated, or very much in danger of being violated.

Again, a large part of the human race have the same universal fear that's based upon your loved one's and your self's own personal safety and sanctity that you feel while within the confines and comforts of your own home, and the absolute terror that it would strike in you to have that safety and stability stripped from you and your loved ones in such an unwarranted, unexpected, and absolute, extremely violent way that no one could have seen coming.

That "fear" is what this movie's entire premise "plays on", and the overwhelming vast majority of human beings have the same, common fear relating to personal violation.


That is quite an answer. Thank you! You are very very well spoken, my friend.

I'm glad you understood what I was trying to say. My personal privacy is seriously one of the most important things in my life and to be terrorized and violated in my own home is one of the most horrific acts imaginable to me.

Really though. You write wonderfully.
