MST3K Fodder!

This piece of crapola really reminded me of a 50's B-movie with its bad dialogue and cheap sets. Why does Lionel's "laboratory" only consist of 3 beakers, a telephone and a Rolodex? Why, when Detective Amos kills himself, do the two uniform cops just stand outside the Dhamer's door and tell Lionel to go back inside the house? Oh, this was such crap on so many levels! If only Joel and the 'Bots were still making MST3K. This is truly the Manos of our generation...


I agree. Maybe I can get Rifftrax to send this one up. What about the great acting during the talk show scene? Both the host and his guests, plus the parents watching it were Hepburnesque. "No,

And when your biggest star is Buford Pusser pt 2, it can't be too good.
