MovieChat Forums > Gun (2005) Discussion > Before you start playing

Before you start playing

Everybody says this is GTA in the Old West. That is partly true. It is not as replayable. With not enough mini-games and a short story. Also one major factor is you are not driving a fast car being chased by SWAT and the FBI! However this game should not be played like GTA, and this is where so many reviews have got it wrong.

Before you play, make sure you choose the HARD (or if your feeling lucky INSANE) difficulty leves. I have finished the game once already on Normal, but it is way to easy, you can complete most missions by walking out in the open blasting away with your rifle. I am now re-playing on hard and the game is completely different. You take cover, lean out and shoot. It is a far more patient and realistic method. It becomes like the Westerns that you see in the movies, and makes it a far more enjoyable experience.

Was it over when the Germans bomb Pearl Harbour?


Germans didn't bomb pearl harbor


thats damn hilarious right there DuctTape. doesn't the guy know it was the Japanese? i laughed a lot after pointing something out i hadn't even recognized


You guys serious or just joking around about this guy's sig? I'm sure that what he's got there is a quote from some movie or something. Pretty much every person knows for a fact that the Germans didn't do a thing to Pearl Harbor.

What do you see inside the room?
There are some walls and some ceilings. Wait! Just one ceiling.


The quote is from Animal House.

Bluto: Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!
Otter: Germans?
Boon: Forget it, he's rolling.
Bluto: And it ain't over now. 'Cause when the goin' gets tough...
[thinks hard]
Bluto: the tough get goin'! Who's with me? Let's go!

Was it over when the Germans bomb Pearl Harbour?


Thank you, God, what a bunch of idiots.





im sorry i have to lol at the idiots who thought his quote was serious


I love how this topic has 6 replies and none of them have anything whatsoever to do with the actual topic.

Anyway, good point. Make it last, play it on hard... I'm gonna go try it on Insane right now.


It's like the only thing that was read was the OP signature.

"I'm your huckleberry."-Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday in Tombstone


isnt it 'I'll be your huckleberry'...

im not 100% sure mind you!



You CAN replay Gun. If you take Reed's horse and go back to the place where you first hunted with Ned, there's a place where you can press L1 L2 R1 R2 all together and you can replay all missions.

Anyone know how to do this on a PC?

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isnt it 'I'll be your huckleberry'...

It's actually "I'm your huckleberry"


it definitely gets about 5x harder when going from normal to hard.


Agreed. Ive actually beaten the game on easy without ever playing a side mission or buying an upgrade. Im currently at Hollister, and Im trying to figure out how to beat him, seeing as one shot from him kills you, and one shot from your rifle just nicks him. So far Im trying to lay a dynamite trap, but he sees it and runs away. So next im going to lay several dynamite traps, and back him into a corner. For some reason, when I charged him and shot him on quickdraw in the head a bajillion times, I almost killed him. If I had nicked him with dynamite before, I would have killed him. The game on insane is initially hard, but once you get to empire, its only about as difficult as hard or normal. That indian level, when your wagon break, is the worst however.


First time you play the game, for the story's sake, play it on Normal, or the tight story will just loosen up and get lost in the hours you'll try figuring out how to reload without dying half a dozen times.

forgiveness is a sin away


Ok, first it's "I'm your huckleberry" and second I can't believe you morons didn't realize that the pearl harbor quote was from a movie and the movie is fricken ANIMAL HOUSE! That's a classic comedy! You can't watch slapstick comedies today like Van Wilder, HELLO, or Superbad, without seeing this classic! God you kids today, and I'm only 20!

Well I'm a victim of circumstance!
I thought you call it your pecker?


so glad to see you received your maturity yesterday


Thank you!

Well I'm a victim of circumstance!
I thought you call it your pecker?


That's one of the best lines in any comedy movie ever. I'm so glad I rented rather than bought Gun.

