MovieChat Forums > Gun (2005) Discussion > I found a neat glitch...

I found a neat glitch...

I was trying to see if I could make my way around the river bed opposite Dodge City when I found a reverse blue hell.

On the other side of the river to Dodge City, there's a cliff near the river bed furtherest away from the ferry operator.

On your horse try and walk around the cliff by walking or ride the horse hard into the river or pushing at the cliff, it wont let you but keep trying, if you do it correctly you should float up into the sky and get a birds eye view of the map.

I tried doing it again and this time I went through the cliff and came out on the other side (which is what I was trying to achieve in the first place).

I followed the trial as far as I could go which led me to a waterfall. I tried jumping over the waterfall and fell straight through which led me to a kind of blue hell.

I did this just before while playing Gun, so I went over to the Gun message board over at to see if anyone else had discovered this glitch and someone had posted that they had.

Oh well, it still is a neat glitch.


I found 2 glitches myself.

Did you know that you can go back to the areas that you 1st started out in the game? There isn't anything to do there, but you can still visit the trails that Ned took you through, before he had you shoot the elks from the cliff that comes before the Indian Village area that leads to both Hollister's Fort and Dodge City. In order to do this, you have to be on horseback and climb the rocks that lead back up to the cliff. Not from the right as one might seem, because it looks possible, but rather from the left. Just keep the horse jumping up a narrow crevise between a big rock (next to some trees) and the cliff wall. If you do it right (jumping and pushing up/left on the left stick), you should be at the top of the rocks and then give it one more jump to the very top of the cliff. Now you'll be able to venture through the meadow where you 1st used your quickdraw and the wooded trail back to where you 1st "woke up". Like I said, nothing to do there but it's neat to just free roam it.

The 2nd, is once again, on horseback at Magruder's Mine. You have to already had beaten the game in order to access this area. You head back around the large brown saw / mill building toward the rear building with a large gate that had a cannon turret ontop, that leads into the mine. The gates should be closed now. No way to get in. Until I found this glitch. Run to the left and there should be a small dead end corner of the buildling and canyon wall. Keep jumping and move your camera view (Right Stick) around as you're jumping. You should just "phaze" through the wall and end up inside the building now. You should see the stack of broken wood and wheels forming a barricade to the mine. You can't go any further than that. I've tried. To get back out, just jump through the closed main gate. I know, weird, they let you out easy, but they won't let you in.

Other than those 2 very detailed glitches, I haven't found anymore without killing Cole.
If anyone has found glitches like those two, POST'EM!
