
I feel like I read somewhere at sometime on the 207pictures web page that there were plans for two sequals but i can't seem to find that anywhere on the site now, anyone know anything bout that?


there has been talk of a trilogy. i believe the next movie is to be a horror movie. a good one too. there are several future projects being discussed. hopefully the For Catherine sales will help to get those started. as soon as anything is more definite, i'm sure it'll show up at the site.


Don't forget the upcoming adult feature from 207 Pictures, Four Catherines.


Fantasy-like dream or catastrophic nightmare…I can’t decide.


What, Four Catherines? Definitely a fantasy. I love those freaky roleplay flicks.


i've thought about it. definately a nightmare. i'm amazed i survived the one Catherine. Someone else can direct that monster.


seriously though sequals planned yes no?


"Plan" is rarely a good word for anything i do, sir. We have high hopes for a trilogy, but a sequal won't be the next thing and probably not the thing after that. I really don't know. If i could shamelessly plug my own blog, keep checking in at for all the latest with all that is E and 207.

Thanks for asking.


Don't forget the upcoming adult feature from 207 Pictures, Four Catherines.

That's hilarious.

I know this because Tyler knows this.
