MovieChat Forums > Bella (2007) Discussion > Pro-Life and Anti Liberal

Pro-Life and Anti Liberal

Finally a movie that brings up real social issues correctly. This movie is obviously pro-life in every way. Abortion is murder. Period.



everything isn't gray- everything isn't an opinion- the fact that abortion is the killing of a child isn't just a 'way to think,' it's a little thing called 'reality.'

my movie- review blog:


This was a crap movie. There have been FAR superior "pro-life" films. Try the Polish "Dekalog," episode two, from the 1980s. It's on DVD.

"Bella" is Sunday school for self-righteous grown-ups.


Like YOU'RE not self-righteous, palefire?



So choosing to end this undeveloped embryos life by assuming ahead of time it will have a crappy life is better than allowing it a chance? There is a line a mile long for loving couples wanting to adopt.



I know plenty of people who have gone through the adoption system. My best friend and her brother are both adopted [ and not biologically related ] and they have two of the most loving parents I know. Another one of my close friends was adopted from Honduras, where she would've had a pretty crappy life unless her parents adopted her. The two parents who adopted her are divorced now, but she still has a way better life than she would've. She also lives with her biological brother, who was also adopted from Honduras. Another girl I know who's a few years older than me was adopted from Russia when she was ten. You think her life would've been better in Russia than with a loving family here in the US? My other guy friend was adopted from right here in New England, and instead of living with his single, alcoholic mother, he has a great foster family who loves him very much.

So don't tell me there are only crappy adoptions happening out there. You think it would've been better for all of those people to be dead than have the chance to lead a life, maybe a great one, like my friends? It sucks that the people you know didn't have a good experience with the adoption system, but do you think they'd rather be dead?

OTH is love.
Sophia Bush is even more love.



You have no idea what you're talking about.
I know of two couples that take in foster children and love them dearly. One man I work with rushes home from work with a smile on his face everytime they get a new child, (often dropped off in the middle of the night) so his wife can get some rest. They have three right now. The little girl who left recently they've had for nearly three years and she has recently been given to a relative out of state. They've asked that my friends act a grandparents to her and they bring her back to visit often.
There are many unscrupulous people out there. That any child is placed with people like that is criminal. We should demand better from DSS. But I ask you this, would it have been better if those two friends of yours had never been born?
I work with another woman, and she and her husband have adopted a daughter from overseas and are in the process of adopting another child. How many children have died that might have found a decent and loving home?


"Its an undeveloped embryo and it alot of ways it saves the kid from a harsh life. Either they get chewed up by the adoption system (so many people abuse it) or the end up on welfare with their young mothers, which also pisses cons off. "

so you are saying that if someone has the chance of having a bad life, they should be killed? And what difference does it make how developed they are? If you got a brain disease and weren't as developed as others, should they just kill you? Your arguments are juvenile and ridiculous. I could kill you and say that I was saving you from a harsh life- you MIGHT get a horrible disease that will cause you excruciating pain- so why not just kill you now?

It makes no sense. The bottom line is: if you have sex, you might have a kid- so if you don't want a kid, don't have sex. But nothing makes it okay to kill an innocent life, no matter how much you rationalize it.

my movie- review blog:



I don't want to get into a conversation about Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice here. I just want to say this:

Futch58: In a previous post, you mentioned how bad adoption is and then mentioned someone's foster parents. Foster homes and adoption are two comepletely different things. I suggest you examine the case you cited more fully before you use it in your defense. I know many people that have been adopted and they have all lived happy, fulfilling lives. You can't make the assumption that all adoption is bad because of a few people you know who had bad experiences. That's all I want to say.


It's not an organ, that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard in my life. Really. It is a separate organism that relies on the mother.

An organ. Seriously...

my movie- review blog:


"Its an undeveloped embryo and it alot of ways it saves the kid from a harsh life. Either they get chewed up by the adoption system (so many people abuse it) or the end up on welfare with their young mothers, which also pisses cons off." own spiritual opinions aside, this argument doesn't work, because abortion includes everything from sucking out a very tiny embryo whose heart is not yet beating to a developed baby who, if the mother wanted it, would be considered a preemie (partial-birth abortion: just a technicality..the baby's skull is fractured by sucking out the brain while the just the head is in the birth canal so technically it hasn't been 'born'). The usual is somewhere in between. Still, the majority of abortions are performed by cutting/sucking (D&C) between 7-10 weeks --and at 2 months, the embryo has all its organs (and has brain activity even before that). Yet according to, 19,650 abortions are annually performed at 21 weeks (5 months) or more (see or

That's pretty darned developed.

Second, I'm really glad that some of the closest people to me who grew up on welfare w/ their single mom or were 'chewed up' in the adoption system survived, are alive, and are blessing the world with their awesome presence. Yes, life can suck, but life can also be beautiful even if it starts out sucky. I think those people had the right to get a shot at life no matter how hard it was (including my brilliant sister, whom the doctor claimed might be brain damaged and thus, should be aborted to be safe).


Yeah, it's much better to just murder a baby, since there's just no chance at all that a baby can lead a happy, fulfilling life. I truly feel sorry for you, that you could be so heartless.


Excuse me but a fetus' heart starts beating at three weeks. That's enough to convince me it's a life.


"everything isn't gray- everything isn't an opinion- the fact that abortion is the killing of a child isn't just a 'way to think,' it's a little thing called 'reality.'"

thats your opinion. many people don't consider an embryo smaller than a grain of rice a "child" yet.

and people have many good reasons for having abortions. it is usually a last resort. no one wants to have one, or is happy about it. so *beep* off.

if you are so against abortion, dont ever have one. stay out of other people's business.


so if it was my opinion that you were too much of a hassle for me to put up with, like, if you annoyed me, I could just kill you and that would be fine? That's what you are saying. You are also arguing that SIZE determines someone's right to life. There is no scientific contreversy- a fetus, from day 1, is HUMAN, no matter how big it is.

if you are so against abortion, dont ever have one. stay out of other people's business.-- so, we should have said- if you don't want the jews to die, don't kill them! stay out of Hitler's business!

um, no, it IS my business that thousands of innocent babies are being killed in OUR country every day. Maybe you should get a conscience. Or some common sense.

my movie- review blog:


My body, my choice.
If abortion becomes illegal within the next few years, when i get to medical school, I will have someone teach me how to perform one and I will do them illegally on any woman who wants one.


you DO realize, of course, that the baby has its own body? Yeah, it happens to be INSIDE yours, but if you are gonna be a medical student I would advise that you get the facts straight. Two bodies connected- the woman is helping the baby develop. Not her choice. It WAS her choice to get pregnant, though. You have no right to babyless-sex. That's what it's made for- check out nature, that's kinda how all the animals- and humans- reproduce and don't die out...abortion is just plain selfish. You want the 'freedom' of sleeping around without the responsibility of caring for the baby as a result.

my movie- review blog:


um, no, it IS my business that thousands of innocent babies are being killed in OUR country every day. Maybe you should get a conscience. Or some common sense.

Well, thats interesting. The law does not seem to agree with you, as abortion is perfectly legal and widely available in this country. I think that if we were murdering "babies," then this would not be the case. You can disagree with it all you want, but that is the truth. You seem to be completely disregarding women's rights as well as the right to choose. There are many people who cannot afford to have children or have no business having children for whom abortions are the only right choice, difficult as it may be. And believe it or not, people can get pregnant even if they are as protected as they can be. What a shocker! Sometimes things happen that people cannot control. Maybe YOU should get an education, and not rely on your fanatical and singularly-minded opinions to lay down your arguments.

And if you are seriously comparing having an abortion to the mass genocide of Nazi Germany, you are one hundred percent out of your mind. As if you could truly ever compare the torture and brutality of concentration camps and ghettos to terminating an early pregnancy by swallowing a pill. And no, its not SIZE that determines life, it is development.

You have no right to babyless-sex. That's what it's made for- check out nature, that's kinda how all the animals- and humans- reproduce and don't die out...abortion is just plain selfish. You want the 'freedom' of sleeping around without the responsibility of caring for the baby as a result.

You MUST be a man to have written such ridiculous trash. You are clearly a uneducated, mysogynistic caveman if you are comparing the human ability to have sex with the mindless, instinctual rutting of animals. You see for the rest of us, we are distinctly different from animals because we are separated by higher thinking and reasoning. By decision making abilities and critical thinking skills. By having higher intelligence. However, I can see how you would have trouble grasping this concept, as you are still stuck at the simple-minded end of the animal kingdom.

I am a single, independent woman with a career and aspirations. Who the hell are you to tell me what kind of sex I can or cannot be having? Whether I sleep with one man or two thousand men, my body is my own and I do not answer to anyone. I am ENTITLED to all the babyless sex I want, and that is a fact.

Sex is necessary for reproduction, true, but this is only a SMALL aspect of it. People who do not want children should take every precaution to guard against pregnancy and be responsible in their actions. But the issue of reproduction aside, sex and sexuality is more relevant to humanity for pleasure, for expressing love, for physical and mental well-being, for release, for relaxation, for passion, intimacy and relationships.

Not that you seem to have had much of it.


Well, thats interesting. The law does not seem to agree with you, as abortion is perfectly legal and widely available in this country. I think that if we were murdering "babies," then this would not be the case.

Well, the law does not agree with you, as slavery is perfectly legal and widely accepted in our country. I think that if we were enslaving and mistreating "people," then this would not be the case.

As you can see, our legal system is not exactly perfect, and everything they say is not infallible. You can't base natural moral law on human's flawed laws. Most of our legal system is great- actually, as of now if you kill a pregnant woman, you are guilty of TWO counts of murder. How would that be, explain to me please, if the baby was not human?

As for sex being mindless- that is not what I said. And you are right, reproduction IS only one part of it- it is also to bond a HUSBAND and WIFE together. Now, if you truly think it is not mindless and that it is of the utmost reverence and importance, then you will agree that it is for two people, not whoever you want to sleep with on a certain night. So, if the two people really want to bond, how will preventing the natural thing (pregnancy) from occurring help them do so? Will it increase the bond to hold back their fertility from one another? Or are they just being greedy because they want the natural pleasure without the natural consequences?

Who the hell are you to tell me what kind of sex I can or cannot be having?

there's that moral relativism again. As it turns out, I don't have control over you- you can do whatever you like. But that does not change themorality of your actions. I think I said before that not everything is gray- some things are right and some things are wrong. Killing innocent babies is wrong. Using contraception/abortion (which destroys the bond that you talked about so truthfully above) is wrong.

my body is my own and I do not answer to anyone

well, you will have to eventually, but that is another story...

my movie- review blog:


Ug I don't even know how to respond to this. You are basing your entire argument on your personal view of God and morality. Which is fine, I suppose, if that works for you. I'd rather base mine on law and logic and an educated understanding of human behavior.

Just don't project your closed-minded ideals on what constitutes "acceptable" sex on me. Not to mention your archaic view of contraception.

And as for the law you referred to about murdering a pregnant woman, I believe the law states that the baby may be considered a victim only if it has reached the point in gestation when it can concievably live if separated from the mother.


I would respond to this idiot post, but punky seems to have gotten there first :)


"If only life was so clear :P. Good thing people make movies and tv shows to tell you what to think phil. "

Futch58 wasn't talking about all of life, but only one thing. Abortion. And that one IS clear. It's wrong. It's not a gray area. It's black as black gets. And anybody who doesn't see what's morally reprehensible about abortion is blind.


The point is, this movie is not overtly anti-abortion or anti-liberal. It says nothing about abortion being wrong. It simply shows a woman who doesn't murder her baby. "Pro-Choice" people will LOVE this movie, but pro-abortion people will probably not.


well, you will have to eventually, but that is another story...

Why am I not suprised? Why must religion and pro-life go hand in hand?

"There's always a chance that you could die in the middle of your life story" - Chuck Palahniuk


What about the scene in the abortion clinic where she breaks down and cries? If it's not wrong, why is she crying?


Abortion is murder. Period.

You're a dumbass. Period.


Yep, everyone that disagrees with you is a dumbass. Add a period to that and it makes it fact. You've got a lot of growing up to do. Period.

"There's always a chance that you could die in the middle of your life story" - Chuck Palahniuk


What is "murder" is not a matter of opinion. Abortion does not fit the criteria of "murder" so it isn't.


You're not making any sense. Are you pro-life or pro-choice?

"There's always a chance that you could die in the middle of your life story" - Chuck Palahniuk


If I go hunting and accidentally shoot and kill my friend because I saw some bushes rustle and thought it was a deer I'm charged with manslaughter. Legally, I have to be absolutely certain that what I'm shooting at is not a human, to the point where I can't claim ignorance because I should have taken the necessary steps to find out if the rustle actually came from a deer. What am I getting at?

Scientists today cannot definitively say when life begins and the majority of them will say that it begins with conception. Any scientist who says otherwise is not with the times and years behind in his research. My point is this. How can the government be so careful when it come to the above situation, to the point where the guy shooting the gun has to be 100% sure that what he's shooting at is not a person or he goes to jail, and still allow abortion when scientists today concede that it is a life?

Double standard?? I think so


No one can honestly deny that an unborn baby isn't a human being. There are very few differences between an unborn baby and a newborn baby. It's not as developed, It's entirely dependable on the mother and it happens to still be in the mother. None of these things make it less a human being.



So how do you feel about rape? Explain how having a child under those circumstances is okay. If its not, then your point is moot. There are many reasons why a person should have the right to choose.

"There's always a chance that you could die in the middle of your life story" - Chuck Palahniuk


They'll make you keep the baby, but then they complain about paying for it (welfare). Isn't that the way you tight-ass, Christian Republicans do things???

The movie was great, but it had very little to do with it being Pro-life/Pro-choice bs. In fact, I didn't even think about it until I found all these insipid threads, when trying to actually discuss the movie with fellow fans!


Maybe it is too late to re-start this, but here goes. I don't know if Bella had a cinema release in Australia, but if it did I missed it and just caught up with the DVD in the local video store.
Having read the thread I think - once again - that it is a pity that so many people on either side of the abortion debate (in Australia as in the US) choose to portray their position as a morally simple one.
I don't know anyone who thinks that abortion is wrong if carrying to term will cause the death of the mother, and I don't know anyone who thinks that partial- birth abortion because, say, of the gender of the child is morally OK. So it is a matter of degree.

For those who would abort to protect the life of the mother, what is the test? The fact is that very few things are certain in medicine and doctors may not agree. So if the risk is "grave" is that enough? How many doctors need to agree?

For those who think that the decision to have an abortion is simple and morally neutral, I have to wonder if they have ever actually known any woman who has had an abortion. The decision is never simple and carries an emotional consequence even for a women whose pregnancy is a result of rape.
Sarah Silverman actually does a sketch in which she purports to be a serial aborter without compunction. The skit works because it is so preposterous.

So, in my view, Bella got it pretty right. The abortion scene - a future memory that didn't eventuate - showed Nina in doubt and grief, but did not suggest that she was involved in anything that should have been illegal.

So, for me, the ultimate question is this: with all this moral and social complexity who is to make the decision. In my view - yes, I am pro-choice - the decision, never easy except for a moral imbecile, should rest with the woman rather than with the police.


This is an on-going battle between people who believe in pro-choice, and those who are pro-life. I see a lot of intelligent responses in this thread, but there are also some heavy handed, argumentative responses as well. Abortion in my opinion should only be used when the mother is not capable of raising a child on her own, or in extreme situations, like rape for example. But abortion in general has gotten completely out of hand, expectant mothers, who are well off, use abortion as a way of getting out of having a baby, and that is wrong. What this country needs is a better education in the public school systems about the proper use of contraceptives, instead of teaching abstinence. Kids these days are having sex at a much younger age, and some of them honestly don't know the proper way to use a condom, or that birth control is a viable, though not guaranteed way, to prevent pregnancy. Teaching abstinence in schools is doing nothing these days. Education, and contraceptives will decrease the abortion rate exponentially.
Just my two cents.
