10 Month Pregnancy?

Is my math wrong ? Feb 11th to December 10th raised a red flag for me.


A full term pregnancy is 40 weeks. Closer to 10 months than 9. The math is off, but only by a week or so.


I born after a 10 month pregnancy.
'Twas medical malpractitce, but still... it happens


I don't see this movie yet but a pregnancy yes it's 40 weeks, but since the first day of the last menstruation, then , since the conception (two weeks later) until the birth is about 38 weeks, by 7 days equal (266 / 30) plus 5 days of the months with 31 = 9.03333 months... sorry about the mathematics...


Personally, I believe the author/director put this in there on purpose - to cast doubt on the real father. The man in the park who said the baby was half Asian, the Asian neighbor who was always looking, and the fact that Barry couldn't remember that night with Ginger were also put in to cast doubt. It worked for me. I wasn't sure until Barry remembered the smiley face tattoo on Ginger's leg, the exact moment Barry became sure the child was really his. This was a good film.


Thank you OP . I was thinking the same thing. The math is 303 days and a normal pregnancy averages 280 days. That is 3 weeks over. Google is a great thing lol.


Average doesn't exclude other possibilities as impossible. It just means the one happens more often. Babies are born late sometimes.


Also, when his mom gives Barry the photo of his father for his birthday, he sees that his father was. . . Asian.


Yes, it was a good thing to inject into the plot -- the 10 month pregnancy idea.

It cast a shadow over everything after the visit to the doctor where he announced the due date was December 10--almost to the day 10 months on the calendar anyway.

Then, we slowly, slowly have revealed to us how this could happen--both the fact that he remembered the tattoo and also the fact that his dad was part Asian at least, if not entirely.

So it was a great plot device! It certainly created a lot of yelling at the tv at times, "Can't you count to TEN you bozo!"

Sweet film. Really great.
