
so how did alexs phone call sophie while the killer was there, was alex still alive? the killer leaves wen she gets the call so did he go kill alex realizing he wasnt dead? cus its kinda suggested that alex is dead at that point.


Taylor must have had the phone in his pocket on silent. He called her and then walked out. Notice Alex didn't speak, it was a silent phone call from the other end. Alex was probably already dead.


It could have been that Alex was not dead yet, barely conscious held in Taylor's room, maybe. He managed to type a meager text message and send it. When the message comes through, Taylor realizes Alex can still identify him as his attacker, so he steps out, goes to his room and takes the phone.

Nah, that's probably not it.

After receiving the message, Taylor says he will go looking for Alex and does NOT want Sophie to come. So I guess Taylor really did let Alex go with the bus ticket, but after the message came, he realized that Alex and Sophie still might contact each other at some point and Taylor would be screwed. So he goes and finds Alex, kills him, puts him in the back of the truck and keeps the phone.
