MovieChat Forums > Gone (2007) Discussion > What was the point?

What was the point?

What a lame movie! I guess the point is that really stupid people make easy pickings for psychos, but then sometimes get lucky and beat the psycho anyways.

I mean, seriously, there is NO character development at all. Alex dies as exactly the same kind of weak-willed schmuck he was when the film started. I couldn't care less that he lost his girl and died, as there was almost nothing to like about him from the beginning, and aside from being jealous that Taylor was making moves, I didn't see anything remotely resembling love and devotion for Sophie. Seems to me he just tried to weasel his way along, and in the end he didn't even really TRY to hold onto her.

Same with Sophie. Was her sole character attribute simply the fact that she was gullible? She gets tricked into loosing her boyfriend, tricked into sleeping with the enemy, and only finds out the truth through sheer chance. She didn't DO anything in the film except be lead astray and then get lucky to get out of it alive. Even THAT didn't require any kind of interesting plot device; she just got into the car before Taylor. She should have had to deceive him somehow to get the keys, or overpower him somehow. She just got lucky. Big deal!

And then Taylor. He's actually the most interesting character by default, since the other two are so lame. But we don't know why he is like he is, we don't have any real reason to be interested in him except that we know he's kind of menacing and will probably do something bad in the end. But we have to sit through a whole bunch of boring lame crap to get to that point, and then it wasn't even that interesting to watch. Norman Bates he is NOT.

Indie film is a great idea, in theory, but unfortunately we have to wade through tons of crap like this made by wannabe directors who really aren't very good.

I will say that the actors were quite good, given the lame material they had to work from. The guy who played Alex, in particular, was quite believable. I just wish the material had been better.


i rather liked this movie myself saw it on tv a few hours ago didnt know what to expect and was presently surprised at 1st i thougt it was going to be about taylor and alex going all broke back mountain on us it then turned into something else

i think what most folk seam to be complaining about with this film is that they feel alex and sophy are dumb for not freaking out earlier but look at it this way thay are young and backpacking about all in a jolly mindset people do this people also let their guard down with think no one would be so underneath as to mess around with them and play manipulative mind games on them i mean why would someone you dont even now go so far to mess with you,

well the truth is sad to say their are folk like this in the world that have a lack of empathy about anyone and lying and manipulating people is as easy for them to do as it is breathing comes to you and me thay need no reson to do this thay just do it because they get bored very easily these types of people are known as psychopaths and when one mentions the word psychopath the 1st thought that comes to most people a nut case that runs around killing folk all day but in actual fact their are more people that are psychopaths than one would be led to believe

most of them dont go around killing folk in fact most psychos don't go around killing folk a lot become top executives for big company's and live comfortable life's thay lie with such conviction that they pass lie detector tests they can create such awkward situations for everyone around them even at their own expense as they feel no shame or embarrassment for what they do they have no emotions thay have no lows or highs they are very mechanical but lurn to emulate emotion when it suites them to get what they want as they understand the effects of emotion on a very superficial level but can not feel it them selves

they abuse people with stealth tactics under handed comments indifference play tricks on you and be very aloof when confronted

thay are the worst people you could ever meet and they aint obvious to you until its to late and if one is aware of them thay try all kinds of mind games to reverse the blame to you or belittle you in such sharp and mentally damaging ways like the scene when Taylor send he was with his GF while alex was pukeing and *beep* this would of made alex feel dirty and deseased

they need no reason to be the way they are no back story only that childhood trauma can permanently effect the brain as can head trauma especially if happened at a young age others are just born that way , to an absurver thay can seam churming or sympathetic or even simple thay thrive on vounrable people and overly trusting people and overly empathetic people to manipulate

i thought Taylor having no real motive for his actions made the film more disturbing to me and it made it seam a bit more clever than say the Halloween remake where michal myers had a very generic movie tragic childhood the lack of a reveal for Taylor motives made this film imo and i was rather surprised it has such a low score the only real foult i could find in its narrative was was to manipulate someone to the extent alex was would prolly take longer but for the sake of pacing this is understandable

but if you didn't care for it that's cool this is just my take on the film

you will have to forgive the lack of full stops lack of proper spelling im dyslexic but not stupid


Interesting comment. One thing though, psychopaths are only brilliant and stealth and clever in their own minds. They usually grossly overestimate their intelligence and acting/mimicing abilities. And because they gave such supersized egos they are easily fooled and they usually eff up. Anyone with half a brain and the smallest amount of cynicism can easily spot one of these losers a mile away. You may not have a label for them but you know there is something that's just not right about them and distance yourself. Perhaps I've just run into some dumb psychopaths. I know this extremely unattractive psychopath. He used to smoke on my balcony and just stare into space while he slowly lifted the cigarette to his lips like a robot. Really creepy. I knew he was a monster and plotting right then. He, like most psychopaths, is very envious of others and tries to take or ruin whatever it is that he "thinks" makes you special. If you realize this early on, you can have your fun with them. And funny that you say psychopaths get bored easily, because they are the MOST boring creatures. If you notice, early on in the film, Taylor half joking asks Alex if he's bored with the obnoxious American yet.



I couldn't understand that. It was confusing without punctuation marks.

